Greeting cards(贺卡) 西方人在圣诞节和新年之际有互赠贺卡的习俗。在一些特别的日子,如订婚、结婚、生日,人们也会寄送贺卡。贺卡的写作要点如下:●常用感叹句●
A simple message goes a long way. Say "i'm thinking of you" with a virtual note and let your friends know you're thinking of them!
●常用省略句,如:Thinking of you this Christmas!●常用To...或Dear...的称呼方式;称呼家人、亲人、情侣可用Dearest...●结尾常用Sincerely、All the best、Best wishes;亲人好友间使用love、with love等。___答案Dear Beth, How are you going recently?With your birthday approaching,I...
Send Missing You Greetings, Missing You Poems, Missing You ecards to friends/ family/ loved ones, Video Cards for Whatsapp and Facebook from
Greeting Cards(贺卡)西方人喜欢在节日、纪念日及其他特殊场合赠送贺卡,写满祝福的贺卡是人们加强联络、传递爱的一种常用手段。下面有几条贺卡祝词,请注意场合背景,人际关系对称词措辞和内容的差异。Sample 1To Ms. Smith,Thank you for being my teacher and wish you a happy Teacher's Day!EdwardSample 2...
Thinking of You Bespoke Thank You Notecards Get Well Wedding Congrats Florals Sympathy Baby View more occasions, holidays, & themes Birthday cards (card preview opens in a modal window) New card Puppy Pranks (card preview opens in a modal window) A Tailor-Made Birthday (...
Make Meaningful Connections With American Greetings Selection Of Online Greeting Cards Including Ecards, SmashUps™, Creatacards, Digital Gifts And More!
Find a selection of boxed greeting cards, jigsaw puzzles, and fine stationery. Find birthday, sympathy, thank you cards, and more to suit any occasion.
Greeting cards to send to family and friends with themes including Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day, For Anytime, Birthday Wishes, Love and Romance, Other Occasions, Characters, Love and Holiday Wishes. Free, funny, animated, musical electronic greetin
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