Greenwood County Title is your first choice for information and resources regarding acquisitions and/or sales of real estate inGreenwood,Wilson, Woodson, and surrounding Counties in Kansas. GreenwoodCounty Title is a full-service title company with a professional staff of closing agents. We are fully...
Virgil Pool, Greenwood County, KansasA. L. Beekly
The neuronal glycoprotein telencephalin is a cellular ligand for the CD11a/CD18 leukocyte integrin. Many leukocyte functions depend on interactions between the leukocyte-specific beta2 integrins CD11/CD18 and their ligands, the intercellular adhesion mole... L Tian,Y Yoshihara,T Mizuno,... - 《...
Structure as represented by surface beds, the base of the Kansas City formation, and the top of the "Mississippi lime" seem to conform but to be without definite relation to Bartlesville sand deposits except that these lenses occur between and on the sides of "Mississippi lime" buried hills,...
Hulse, W.J.: Depositional environment of the Bartlesville Sandstone in the Sallyards Field, Greenwood County, Kansas. In: Hyne, N.J. (Ed.): Pennsylvanian sandstones of the Mid-Conti-nent. Tulsa Geol. Soc. Spec. Pub. 1, 327–336 (1979)....