Gems of Greenwich Village BY APPOINTMENT Take a guided tour be introduced to one of Manhattan's most charming neighborhoods, Live Jazz TUES - SAT AT 6PM Relax, unwind, and prepare to be transported to different eras. Enjoy live jazz in the the Parlour, ...
There's so much to celebrate and experience in this Manhattan neighborhood. If you only do one thing Pick up a falafel at Mamoun’s and take it to Washington Square Park and soak up the atmosphere or head to Blue Note or Village Vanguard to catch a night of live jazz. Curate a ...
目前有 162 個評分 8.6 / 10 格林威治村沃克酒店 (Walker Hotel Greenwich Village)評價的真實住客評分 真實驗證評價 | 資料來源: 8.6 超級好 目前有 162 個評分 清潔度評分10分滿分獲8.9分,於紐約 (NY)屬高評分 清潔度8.9 設施評分10分滿分獲7.9分 ...