The Greenville Mental Health Center is an outpatient facility of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health and provides quality Mental Health Services to adults, children, adolescents, and their families. Privacy is carefully protected. Greater Greenville Merger Information Greenville Mental Health ...
Architecture Integrated treatment facility| An alternative care setting for adult patients with mental illness GreenvilleSouth Carolina CLEMSON UNIVERSITY David J. Allison CostelloBrenna DCurrently, mental health patients when first admitted for care, or committed by a court, are isolated from society in...
01 Who I am Hi there! I'm Bailey McDonald, LISW-CP. I've been in my own private practice as an outpatient therapist since 2013. That's when I took the leap and struck out on my own. Before going out on my own, I worked in community mental health with children and adolescents an...
More About Us OUR MISSION: To improve adult fitness and health through the camaraderie of United States Masters Swimming in Greenville and the Upstate of South CarolinaGreenville Splash Masters is proud of our Coaches, Status and Instructors.Certified Coaches Gold Club Status Certified InstructorsOFFIC...
We know how busy life can be - it's easy to forget how important your mental and physical health is, which is why Black Belt Attitude School is here to help. Whether you’re interested in personal development, self-defense, or even a new social outlet, our school maintains a safe and...
Our team in Greenville, South Carolina consists of lawyers who have put in over 100 years of combined work in this field. We’ve helped employees from businesses near Spartanburg, Greer, and the upstate file workers’ comp claims with great success. Worker’s Comp Insurance in a Nutshell ...
Medical students carry high levels of self-stigma about their own mental health and fear the negative consequences of seeking care. The purpose of this study was to examine the student population at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville (UofSC SOMG) for anxiety levels ...
The law firm of Christian & Christian Law is located in Greenville and proudly serves families all over South Carolina, including those outside of the upstate area in Aiken, Florence, Marlboro, Williams, and Darlington, SC. Nursing home abuse and neglect is among the practice areas for which ...