日期和字符转换函数用法(to_date,to_char) 2. select to_char( to_date(222,''J''),''Jsp'') from dual 显示Two Hundred Twenty-Two 3. 求某天是星期几 select to_char(to_date(''2002-08-26'',''yyyy-mm-dd''),''day'') from dual; 星期一 select to_char(to_date(''2002-08-26'',...
to_date(col_name,'yyyymmdd'),其中col_name是date类型。 这个代码运行后,结果是:2018-11-16的date类型数据转换后变成了2017-11-01。 查阅官方文档: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/functions-formatting.html to_date函数的参数为字符串类型,所以上面的代码是等价于下面的代码: select TO_DATE('2018-11...
Greenplum日期/时间函数续一 4.Date()将参数转换成日期格式 5.Extract(fieldfromsource)按field格式取出source中值,field常用取值有year,month,day,hour,minute,doy等 Greenplum日期/时间函数续二 6.To_date(str,format)将字符串按format指定的形式转换成日期类型 7.To_timestamp(str,format)将字符串按format指定的...
to_timestamp and to_date skip multiple blank spaces in the input string if the FX option is not used. FX must be specified as the first item in the template. For example to_timestamp('2000 JUN', 'YYYY MON') is correct, but to_timestamp('2000 JUN', 'FXYYYY MON') returns an err...
01,创建数据库 [gpadmin@greenplum01 ~]$ createdb testDB -E utf-8 --创建用户-- [gpadmin@greenplum01 ~]$ export PGDATABASE=testDB --指定数据库名字 [gpadmin@greenplum01 ~]$ psql --连接本地数据库 psql (8.3.23) Type "help" for help. ...
2019-12-04 15:44 −--今天select current_date;--昨天select current_date - interval '1 day';--上月当日select current_date - interval '1 month';--去年当日select current_date - interval... vartual 0 3515 一个经典的代码--Convert char to int in C and C++ ...
For further (and more likely up-to-date) info, see theREADME Profile Configuration Greenplum targets should be set up using the following configuration in yourprofiles.ymlfile. This adapter strongly depends on dbt-postgres, so you can read more about configurations hereProfile Setup ...
For the most up-to-date way of building, see the README at the following repositories: https://github.com/greenplum-db/gp-xerces https://github.com/greenplum-db/gporca Install our patched version of Xerces-C git clone https://github.com/greenplum-db/gp-xerces mkdir gp-xerces/build cd ...
When the application needs to calculate the difference between the subfields of dates for Greenplum, it uses the function date_part, which allows you to retrieve subfields such as year, month, week, and day. In the following example queries, we calculate the ...