1、Cannot allocate memory - 如果是SQL执行过程中遇到内存不足,SQL报错结束,报错信息是out of memory,不会影响实例状态。 - 如果是primarry的服务进程,如:checkpoint等进程遇到内存不足时,primary状态会down,master会切换mirror实例 - 检查当时的并发数 - 检查gp_vmem_protect_limit和系统参数vm.overcommit_ratio等...
Error Limit ReuseTables=false WhenReuseTablesisfalse, GPSS drops an external table, if one exists, when a job is (re)started. Repeated drop/create of external tables may cause bloating in thepg_attributeandpg_classsystem catalog tables; be sure toVACUUMthese tables frequently. ...
$gpexpand -f ./seg_nodes Would you like to initiate a new System Expansion Yy|Nn (default=N): > y How many new primary segments per host do you want to add? (default=0): 每个主机加几个segment > 8 Enter new primary data directory 1: segment data目录 > /greenplum/data/gpdatap9 此...
postgres=# insertintotestselectgenerate_series(1,1000),'test';FATAL:XX000: the limitof1distributed transactions has been reached. (cdbtm.c:2569)DETAIL:Theglobaluser configuration (GUC) server parameter max_prepared_transactions controls this limit.LOCATION:createDtx, cdbtm.c:2569server closed the co...
以ftsprobe process为例来说明以上信息,FTS(Fault Tolerance Service)是greenplum提供的对于子节点的故障检测与恢复的服务。FTS是一个隶属于master的子进程,通过定期轮询每个primary的状态来获取每个primary-mirror组的状态。该进程只在master上存在,进程名为ftsprobe process。
创建需要扩展segment的主机文件 $vi host digoal193096.zmf digoal199092.zmf digoal200164.zmf 产生配置文件 $gpexpand -f ./host Would you like to initiate a new System Expansion Yy|Nn (default=N): > y How many new primary segments per host do you want to add? (default=0): 每个主机加几...
"true" : "false"), storageRead->storageAttributes.compressLevel, storageRead->maxBufferLen, storageRead->largeReadLen); storageRead->file = -1; storageRead->formatVersion = -1; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldMemoryContext); storageRead->isActive = true; } /* * Return (read-only) pointer to rel...
greenplumn glob 代码 文件路径:/src/port/glob.c /* * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Guido van Rossum. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms...
都建议设置memory limit,所有多些的memory limit 总和不要超过gp_vmem_protect_limit -- 为了提升效率减少workfile的输出,可调大statement_mem但不能滥用,以避免造成浪费 -- 内存配置计算指引:https://greenplum.org/calc/ 3)、Resource Group -- gp_resource_group_memory_limit 设置了每个GP Host主机上可以分配...
Would you like to initiate a new System Expansion Yy|Nn (default=N): > y How many new primary segments per host do you want to add? (default=0): 每个主机加几个segment > 1 Enter new primary data directory 1: segment data目录