The Greenland shark is the world’slongest living vertebrate. It can live for 400 years—twice the age of the longest-living land animal, the giant tortoise. There could be an individual in the ocean today that was alive during the 1665 GreatPlagueof London andGeorge Washington’s presidentia...
I believe that if we can work out how the Greenland shark lives so long and how they seem to be so resilient to age-related diseases (such as cardiac disease), we may be able to improve the quality of life within the elderly human population.” ...
The Greenland Shark has an estimated generation length of 150 years; incredibly long compared to other elasmobranchs and all other animals on earth. Because of its extremely slow rate of growth and and late age of maturity, it is extremely vulnerable to population depletion. ...
Biologist Ewan Camplisson suggests that understanding the resilience of Greenland sharks to age-related diseases, such as cardiac issues, could provide valuable insights into improving human health. By uncovering the secrets of the Greenland shark’s long life, scientists hope to find ways to ...
longer life spans and thus take longer to reach reproductive age and produce more sharks. The global Greenland shark population size is unknown.Climate changeis also hurting the species — for example, by reducing Arctic sea ice, which gives fishing fleets easier access to Greenland shark ...
“The Greenland shark is considered the Methuselah of Sharks.” The Greenland shark, called eqalussuaq by the Inuit people is famous for living to a great age. Biologists believe that this large, slow fish can live to be half a millennia old. Its longevity probably has something to do wi...
“If you only focus on the shark’s single-year age, it’s not a certain result,” Nielsen said. “But we are quite confident that the age range for the largest shark is a good estimate.” Mashable Light Speed Want more out-of-this world tech, space and science stories?
Fun fact: The Greenland shark can live up to 400 years A 2018 study published in the journal Science found that the Greenland shark is the longest-living vertebrate known on the planet, with one of the oldest of the animals sampled in the study living for nearly 400 years. Researchers ...
A Greenland shark swimming in the ocean.Credit: Dotted Yeti / Shutterstock One of the last things biologists expected to find in the balmy Caribbean Sea was an ancient Greenland shark, a creature known for dwelling far off,in the icy Arctic. ...
natural history are threats to the future of the Greenland sharkSomniosus microcephalus– thought by some to be the longest-lived vertebrate on earth. Effective conservation and management of any fish species requires a thorough understanding of growth rates, age at first reproduction, fecundity, dis...