Have to twist Jobs ear about it for fun. Need more info? Ernie and Erica Wood burning stoves, Rocket Mass Heaters, DIY, Stove plans, Boat plans, General permiculture information, Arts and crafts, Fire science, Find it at www.ernieanderica.info ...
I suppose permiculture should be greening Morocco instead of us giving Moroccans poisonous jobs. We should be able to get by on cabbages and leaks, maybe, winter vegetables, it really makes life more exciting when you can't always have everything at everytime of year. In the last month...
The city of Monticello is pro-business and has on staff a full-time Economic Development Director and is also designated as a "Main Street community" thanks to the planning and proactive approach of our City administration and staff, Planning Commission, Zoning Board (owner sits on the Monticell...
I guess it’s similar to when a natural disaster happens in a human area and some families leave, others rebuild and it’s for a whole complicated list of reasons like family, jobs, resources and more. Anyway, back to the fish. The researchers tested their data for a climate change fing...
OK,I think I might just naturally play with` big guns`.Unfortunatly,I specialize in whithering critique and ideological demolition jobs and have been working for a long time on a language of dissent(from agriculture)in order to properly frame my ideas.So pardon any percieved lack of polit...
All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Paweł Dec 1,*and Jacek Wysocki 2,* 1 Institute of Corporate Finance and Investment, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, 02-513 Warsaw, Poland 2 Innovation Management Unit, Institute of Enterprise, Collegium of...