Greenhouse-Geisser校正公式是一种用于修正F统计量的方法,常用于分析因素设计的方差分析。在SPSS等统计学软件中,此方法被广泛使用,主要用于对违反球形假设的数据进行校正。 当数据不满足球面性时,即存在违反球形假设的情况,我们就需要对F统计量的自由度进行修正。此时,最常用的修正方法就是Greenhouse-Geisser校正。同时,...
Greenhouse-Geisser 校正 违反了球形检验后,可以使用该校正. 校正得到的epsilon 假设因素水平个数为k=3,每个水平下有n=10个数 则因素自由度a1=epsilon(k-1) 误差自由度a2=epsilon(k-1)(n-1) F(a1,a2)
但很容易矫正,若被试内水平多于2个时,检查Mauchly’s test是否显著,如果显著,报告chi-squared (χ2),自由度,p与epsilon (ε);然后报告所有涉及此因素的Greenhouse-Geisser的校正值(保留适当的小数位数)。
2010The Greenhouse-Geisser CorrectionHerv´ e Abdi1 Overview and backgroundWhen performing an analysis of variance with a one factor repeatedmeasurement design, the effect of the independent variable is testedby computing an F statistic which is computed as the ratio of the ofmean square of ...
scores) between two treatments Herv′e Abdi The University of Texas at Dallas Address correspondence to: Herv′e Abdi Program in Cognition and Neurosciences, MS: , The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083–0688, USA E-mail:***@ /~herve 2 The Greenhouse-Geisser Correction...