The definition of a greenhouse gas is at the same time very simple and very complicated for the ordinary man (or woman !) : such a gaz is “just” a gas mixed in the atmosphere thatabsorbs the infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface. We are not accustomed to these gases bec...
The second pie chart illustrates that other appliances and water heating have the main role in releasing greenhouse gases (60%). In contrast with the first pie chart that heating has the first place in energy consumption, it does not produce greenhouse gases as well as water heatin...
Greenhouse gases and where they come from: World GHG emissions flow chartHerzog, THerzog, T. (2006). `Greenhouse Gases and Where They Come From.'. Washington, DC: WRI. Available at:
If humans are ever to gain control of runaway greenhouse gases, we will need to do it on a variety of fronts. The accompanying charts show greenhouse gases by gas and source. The burning of fossil fuels is the biggest culprit and much is being done to reduce it as a percentage of over...
Nevertheless, at the regional scale, disparities are large between possible capture and oil and gas storage.Georgia PlouchartAude FradetAnne PrieurInternational Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Carbon-negative policies for mitigating the emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) from the energy sector are becoming more urgent and important. Therefore, the environmental policies and regulatory promotion for reusing waste wood as a carbon-negative resour