The definition of a greenhouse gas is at the same time very simple and very complicated for the ordinary man (or woman !) : such a gaz is “just” a gas mixed in the atmosphere thatabsorbs the infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface. We are not accustomed to these gases bec...
Pekka is pointing out that all gases are at the same temperature in a “local part” of the atmosphere. See the section “Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium” inPlanck, Stefan-Boltzmann, Kirchhoff and LTE. This is true in the troposphere. As the air thins out well above the troposphere it even...
However, the term net-zero needs some sort of definition, although this is currently missing from the UNFCCC text. One online source offers the following; Net phase out of GHG emissions means that anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere decrease to a level equal to or smal...
Greenhouse gas emissions refer to the release of gases into the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. These gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, absorb longer wavelength radiation and increase the atmospheric temperature. ...
Importantly, it should be noted that indirect emissions from the production of oil and gases are grouped in Scope 3. Scope 2 emissions include the electric power bought and used by the hospital. The emission intensity for the German electricity mix in 2019 was taken from the European ...
Keywords: Climate Change, Greenhouse gases, Urban heat islands, Sun-Warmed surface, Regeneration, Water cycle.“If you want to make small changes, you can change the way you DO things. If you want to make MAJOR changes, you have to change the way you SEE things.”— Gabe Brown ...
Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases through Emissions from Land-Use Change. Science 319(5867):1238-1240. SenterNovem (Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs for Innovation and Sustainable Development). The road to pure plant oil? The technical, environment- hygienic and cost...
The earth has gone through many natural climatic cycles during its long history. The scary part is we are causing changes to happen at an unbelievable rate, much faster than normal. Burning fossil fuels pours out greenhouse gases at a life-threatening rate and causing global warming. Global War...
This “law” is not true for gases. Many people (not SOD) like to pretend that we can discuss the radiation leaving a “slab of atmosphere” in terms of blackbody radiation. Those who wish to be technically correct will call it an “optically thick” slab, meaning that ...
However, the transition to natural gas (NG) only offers a short-to medium-term solution, since it is a finite fossil resource that contributes to an increased concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) upon combustion (although approximately 40% and 15% less per unit of energy content...