The article announces that the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Rule has been finalized and passed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on September 22, 2009, violations of which will be considered violations of the Clean Air Act. Among the provisions of the rule is a requirement...
EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Reporting RuleOn September 22, 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") issued the Final Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule (the "Final Rule"). The Final Rule, originally proposed on March 10, 2009, requires large sources of greenhouse gases...
EPA is proposing stronger CO2standards for MY 2027 HD vehicles that go beyond the current standards that apply under theHD Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas program. The agency is also proposing an additional set of CO2standards for heavy-duty vehicles that would begin to apply in MY 2028, with progr...
GreenhouseGasReportingProgram40GHGRP41USEPA 系统标签: ghgrpepareportinggreenhousegasprogram WelcometotheU.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency’sGreenhouseGasReportingRuleonlinetraining.Thistrainingcoversthe2013FinalAmendmentstosubpartI,whichwerepublishedintheFederalRegisteronNovember13,2013.AcopyoftheFederalRegisterFinalrule...
EPA that EPA cannot mandate “generation shifting” under the Clean Air Act because the rule effectively forces the retirement of almost all coal-fired plants to 2032 and severely curtails the use of new gas-fired generation. She also said the rule’s emissions l...
Alkali bypass means a duct between the feed end of the kiln and the preheater tower through which a portion of the kiln exit gas stream is withdrawn and quickly cooled by air or water to avoid excessive buildup of alkali, chloride and/or sulfur on the raw feed. This may also be referre...
Along with 10,000 other U.S. facilities, Eastman submits an annual report of GHG emissions in compliance with U.S. EPA’s mandatory GHG reporting rule. In alignment with external frameworks such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), we consistently evaluate th...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continental’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in accordance with the GHG Reporting Rule using EPA’s methodologies, calculations, emission factors and other various requirements. Continental periodically revises its ...
Mandatory Green House Gas (GHG) Reporting - 40 CFR 98 On April 10, 2009, the USEPA published a proposed rule in the Federal Register to require mandatory reporting of GHG emissions. This rule would require about 13,000 facilities across the U.S. to report CO2 equivalent metric ton emission...
A 2007 U.S. Supreme Court ruling mandated the EPA consider greenhouse gases a pollutant. This led the EPA in 2009 to approve greenhouse gas reporting requirements for any facility that annually releases 25,000 metric tons or more of carbon dioxide equivalents to the atmosphere. The objective...