This Roadmap consolidates and simplifies the concepts in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, a set of standards and related guidance that provides for (1) mandatory reporting of Scope 1 emissions (i.e., direct GHG emissions from sources within the reporting company’s organizational boundary); ...
温室气体核算体系 GREENHOUSEGASPROTOCOL 企业核算与报告标准(修订版) 陈欢主审谢 飞孙玉清校订许 明珠宋然平主译 wbcsd 经济科学出版社 EconomicSciencePress 世界资源研究所 WORLDRESOURCESINSTITUTE 中国清洁发展机制基金管理中心 CHINACLEANDEVELOPMENTMECHANISMFUND CDMFUND 温室气体核算体系工作组 JanetRanganathan LaurentCorbie...
In 2007 we began the process of documenting our carbon footprint using the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WRI/WGBCSD)Greenhouse Gas Protocol:ACorporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition), The Climate Registry General Reporting Protoco...
网络温室气体盘查议定书 网络释义 1. 温室气体盘查议定书 *温室气体盘查议定书(The Greenhouse Gas Protocol)——企业核算和报告标准;针对产品和服务碳排放计算的国际性标准 …|基于12个网页
The mission of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative (GHG Protocol) is to develop and promote internationally accepted greenhouse gas (QHG) accounting and reporting standards through an open and inclusive process. Jointly convened in 1998 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (...
Our team of experts can help you navigate the GHG requirements of countries, states, and stock exchanges, as well as the nuances of GHG accounting as specified in the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-1. We assess your existing GHG accounting and help you reach your desired GHG reporting goal. ...
引言温室气体核算体系项目(Greenhouse Gas Protocal Initiative)是一个由企业、非政府组织、政府和其他组织形成的合作关系,由总部设在美国的非政府环境组织的世界资源研究院(World Resources Institute, WRI)和总部位于瑞士日内瓦的200多家企业联盟的世界可持续发展工商理事会(WBCSD)召集。该动议于1998年发起,旨在为企业...
温室气体核算体系 - Greenhouse Gas Protocol温室气体核算gasG温室气体核算gasG温室气体核算gasG温室气体核算gasG温室气体核算gasG温室气体核算gasG 星级: 124 页 greenhouse gas emissions and natural resources use by the world economy ecological input–output modeling:温室气体排放和自然资源 星级: 15 页 The...