The International Maritime Organization (IMO) received its mandate to regulate shipping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Kyoto Protocol. However, the IMO Convention and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also provide it with competence in this area. In exercising its mandate, the ...
While welcoming these important steps that had been agreed upon Friday, the secretary-general called for "urgent and ambitious action to limit the greenhouse gas emissions from global shipping," said a statement issued here by Ban's spokesman. "Emissions from maritime transport are projected to ris...
There are some procedures to regulate air pollution from marine vessels in Annex VI of this instrument, but implementation of these procedures by states parties is optional. Moreover, these procedures do not cover GHG emissions from marine fossil fuels. Under this protocol, the control of shipping...
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping: is it time to consider market-based measures? Mar. Policy 64, 123-134.Shi Y (2016) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping: is it time to consider market-based measures? Mar Policy 64:123-134...
International shipping was responsible for about 2.7% of the global emissions of CO 2 in 2007. In the absence of proper actions, emissions from the maritime sector may grow by 150–250% by 2050, in comparison with the emissions in 2007. Growth in the maritime sector is primarily responsible...
emissionstandardsandcredittradingconsideredto bethemostfeasiblemarketmechanismstocurbGHGemissions •Shippingisasmallcontributortoglobalemissionsandanimportant participantindevelopmentofsustainabletransportsolutions. StudyofGreenhouseGasEmissionsfromShips-PerformedbyMARINTEK,CMU,DNV,ECON MEPC44-2000/03/06 0 100 200 ...
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction - Global Commons Institute减少温室气体排放,全球公共资源研究所 热度: An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the … 热度: Greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping the… 热度: ClimaticChange(2014)126:203–216 ...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping: The Response from China's Shipping Industry to the Regulatory Initiatives of the International Mariti... The International Maritime Organization (IMO) received its mandate to regulate shipping greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Kyoto Protocol. Ho...
Emission of Greenhouse Gases and Ammonia from the Excreta of Nellore Bulls Submitted to Energy and Tannin Supplementation Animal supplementation during the background phase may increase greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The inclusion of tannins in the diet of Nellore bulls can m... IL Rigobello,ADS...
1.Greenhouse gas emissions from an integrated rice-duck system and its Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)稻鸭复合系统的温室气体排放及其温室效应 2.The Analysis on Calculation and Characteristics of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Mega-cities特大城市温室气体排放量测算与排放特征分析 ...