简单来说,在IT行业,Greenfield指的是在全新环境中从头开发的软件项目;Brownfield指的是在遗留系统之上开发和部署新的软件系统,或者需要与已经在使用的其他软件共存。 具体到物联网领域,Greenfield开发是指只连接新设备的物联网系统开发。 Greenfield具备如下特点: 没有遗留系统让新系统开发束手束脚; 不用考虑与其他系统...
The terms greenfield and brownfield have their origins in residential and industrial building projects. A greenfield project is one done on a green field, undeveloped land. A brownfield project is done on the used ground for other purposes. ...
棕地方法本质上是通过进行系统转换将当前的ERP系统转换为S/4HANA。这种方法是利用您现有的系统,而不是创建一个全新的系统。 二Brownfield(棕地)方法的优点 与Greenfield(绿地)方法相比,经历的风险较小,并且对当前系统的干扰最小,保留现有的流程和功能。通过保留您的系统,您还会发现迁移过程更快。 二Brownfield(棕地)...
棕地方法本质上是通过进行系统转换将当前的ERP系统转换为S/4HANA。这种方法是利用您现有的系统,而不是创建一个全新的系统。二Brownfield(棕地)方法的优点 与Greenfield(绿地)方法相比,经历的风险较小,并且对当前系统的干扰最小,保留现有的流程和功能。通过保留您的系统,您还会发现迁移过程更快。二Brownfield(...
Nearly 90 greenfield, brownfield project FIDs expected this yearMark AdeosunOFFSHORE
1、Greenfield 和Brownfield SAP S4产品推出已有快6年的时间,随着S4的逐渐成熟,这2年碰到越来越多的S4升级项目,此时经常会出现这二个词语:Greenfield 和Brownfield Greenfield 和 Brownfield是一个通用的词语,不是SAP的专有名词。 Greenfield(绿地):是指未开发的空地,未开发的空地一般都是Green(绿色的),绿色还代表...
When it comes to construction projects on existing assets, you need a fit-for-purpose solution, with minimal impact on operations. Our unparalleled track record of delivering major modification projects includes subsea tie-back projects, field development topside activities and facilities upgrades. ...
Greenfield or Brownfield? Whatever you choose to lead a project, do it wisely. Read on to learn more about development of both types!
When starting a DevOps transformation, you might need to choose between greenfield and brownfield projects.There's a common misconception that we need to demystify that DevOps suits greenfield projects better than brownfield projects.Greenfield projects...