September 14, 2023 by Melissa Sites Linda Ivy “has personified the [Greenbelt Labor Day] Festival as its president for the past 15 years, through the sudden loss of her beloved husband and helpmate Kelly, and then through a terrible pandemic, even while continuing to serve the Greenbelt ...
Situation, which formed in 2022, enlivened many Greenbelt events, including the Green Man Festival, Pride Fest, Summer Camp Showcase, Labor Day Festival, Blues Festival, HUG Walk, Halloween, Krampus Festival and a winter solstice parade and gathering. The long-established Greenbelt Concert Band al...
They offer fun activities such as Reading Under the Stars and Fall Festival, throughout the year. Every student participates in science fair each year, something that was not offered in the schools in the bigger district she was attending before. I would not hesitate to recommend Mountain Vista...
June 1, 2023 by Anna Bedford-Dillow, Deb Daniel At the May 22 Greenbelt City Council meeting, council considered, discussed and ultimately adopted a single-use plastic bag ban and required retail establishments to charge at least 10 cents for each paper bag provided to customers, with ...
Covid receded in Greenbelt’s day-to-day consciousness with the return in 2022 of Greenbelt Recreation activities and camps, a Farmers Market without orange fencing, the Labor Day Festival and a bumper holiday Art and Craft sale. News Review staff went back to its office and ad revenues bega...