yellow blindness popular name for tritanopia. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. col·or blind·ness misleading term for anomalous or deficient color vision; com...
Red, green, bright yellow ... autumn is a great time to see beautiful colors in nature.But colorblind(色盲的)people have never got to enjoy them— —until recently.In the US state of Tennessee, many tourist sites(景点) have a new kind of equipment: colorblind viewfinders(取景器).They ...
thecolourofgrass; acolourbetweenblueandyellow: 绿色的,草绿色的 light/palegreen浅绿色 dark/bottlegreen深绿色 Tolga TEZCAN/E+/GettyImages More examples I likerichjewelcolours, such aspurple,blue, and green. He'scolour-blindand can'tdistinguishbetweenredand greeneasily. ...
Thelemurs(狐猴)ofMadagascararered-greencolor-blind.Manyyellowfruitcanbefoundthere, astheyca neasilyseethiscolor.阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。 A. Blueandpurplefruitmostlygrowsinwarmpl aces. B. Fruitneedstodevelopcolorsthataresuitedt oanimals'visual(视觉的)abilities. C. ...
Green, Yellow C. Red, Brown D. Brown, Yellow 2. A color-blind person___. A. always knows how color-blind he is B. often gives the wrong name of colors C. see everything as the same color D. can hardly see something of strong colors 3. ...
After trying out a pair, New York Times tech columnist David Pogue writes that the glasses helped him see “two entire additional color bands, above and below the yellow arc. It was suddenly a complete rainbow.” He adds, “I don’t mind admitting, I felt a surge of emotion. It was...
The lemurs(狐猴) of Madagascar are red-green color-blind. Lots of yellow fruit can be found in their living areas. as they can easily see this color.() 1. According to Paragraph 1. fruit colors depend on A. red carotenoid B. blue anthocyanin C. their numbers D. their environment() ...
Red-green colorblindness red-green colour blindness red-green colour blindness red-green colour deficiency red-green dichromacy Red-Green-Blue Red-Green-Green-Blue red-grey Red-gum Red-Haired Red-hand red-handed red-handed red-handedly
The lemurs(狐猴)of Madagascar are red-green color-blind. Many yellow fruit can be found there, as they can easily see this color.阅读短文,把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。According to Lu Wei from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, fruit colors actually come from their different ...
Color Research & ApplicationRutg01] Ruttiger, Mayser, Serey (2001), The color constancy of the red-green color blind, Color- Research-&-Application. vol.26, suppl.issue; 2001; pp. 209--213.Ru¨ttiger L, Mayser H, Se´rey L, Sharpe LT. The color constancy of the red-green ...