Once you have modelled you building you then populate your model using the SketchUp paint tool by simply selecting the element from the gbXML palette and clicking on the desired surface, basically select exterior wall from the paint gbXML folder and click on all the exterior walls of your buildi...
SketchUp™. Furthermore, Transys3d, an add-on of the TRNSYS program for Google SketchUp™, was used to prepare the IDF file of 3-D model. This was then imported as an input to TRNSYS-18.Figure 5shows the 3-D model of the studied multi-span greenhouse with the Wide-span and the...
, a graphical interface designed specifically for this calculation engine has been used: OpenStudio (designed by the DOE itself and that allows the 3D design of the building using SketchUp [39,41]). EnergyPlus is widely used in this field of research. It integrates the green roof calculation ...
To enable shadow analysis and production calculations, a reference model has been selected and built-in SketchUp. The model is of the top-mounted flush type, with the sound-limiting part made of glass within a steel frame, as shown in Figure 5. Taking into account that a higher proportion ...