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已售84 券满1000元减15 券满2000元减35 领券 特价!GREEN TEA FAT BURNER绿茶精华减脂瘦身减肥软胶囊200粒 洛杉矶直邮 服务收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(599) 很划算(120) 物流很快(89) 味道很棒(62) 服务周到(49) ...
When you click the “ingredients” tab it provides a little information about caffeine, ThermoDiamine, and Green Select Phytosome Green Tea Extract. Each one has genuine virtues. However, although one of the previous formulations contained Phytosome Green Tea Extract, the present one does not. The...
green tea fat burner 绿茶精华减脂胶囊 200粒 好几个朋友反馈真的有效果,就是要坚持吃,美国天然Green Tea绿茶减肥胶囊纯天然绿茶减肥胶囊,只是茶多酚帮助燃烧卡路里,相当于绿茶浓缩精华,无副作用!它是在全美最大的超市卖的,安全系数毋庸置疑!减肥药效果重要,更重要的是不要吃坏了身体,强烈推荐!!!上午2粒,下午2...
商品名称:美国进口 GREEN TEA FAT BURNER 绿茶胶囊 200粒 腹部脱脂减轻体重 绿茶胶囊 00粒*瓶 商品编号:10122896602510 店铺: LAVECO LTD海外卖场店 货号:543854 是否保健食品:营养膳食补充剂(非食健字) 类别:咀嚼片 剂型:胶囊 包装形式:瓶装 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务...
Green Tea Fat Burner- Three Proven Brands Reviewed Type #2: Instant Green Tea Powder Mix Instant tea was developed in the 1930s, but not commercialized until the late 1950s. Similar to freeze dried instant coffee, it has recently become popular. ...
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Green Tea Fat Burner绿茶燃脂软胶囊能够加速新陈代谢,将食物转化成能力,增加脂肪的燃烧,在减轻体重的同时保证充沛的精力。Green Tea Fat Burner采用的是液体软胶囊,能够保证营养成分的完全吸收,其吸收效果是片剂的200%。Green Tea Fat Burner绿茶燃脂软胶囊含有多种有效的草本精华,既能提供人体需要的营养成分,又能控...
Applied Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner This is a product that is designed to cater for people who want maximum weight loss in the shortest period of time. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendation and take 4 gels a day, you will be getting 640 milligrams of caffeine and 1,600 millig...
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