of leprosy, leucoderma, ulcers, tumours, piles and diseases of the spleen, liver and abdomen [30]. Importantly, green synthesis of nanoparticles has upsurge as a new nanobiotechnology to produce eco-friendly and cost effective synthetic process for highly stable nanoparticles which emerges as safer...
The study reports an environmentally friendly and simple green technique for the synthesis of aluminium oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3NPs). The leaf extracts ofChrysophyllum albidum(chry.A),Terminalia catappa(Alm) andMimusops Coriacea(Lam) were used as reducing and stabilizing agents. Microscopic characte...
metal oxide nanoparticlesinorganic nanomaterialsenvironmental applicationscatalysisgreen synthesisgreen chemistryHomer GenuinoHui HuangEric NjagiLisa StaffordSteven L. SuibJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdH. Genuino, H. Huang, E. Njagi, L. Stafford, and S. L. Suib, "A review of green synthesis of nanophase...
In this article, we have focused on the different methods used to date for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with a special emphasis on algae. We have attempted to bring in the factors that can help in modulating the process of syn- thesis. An in-depth discussion is expected to ...
The GT-NZVI suspension was found very stable without any indication of sedimentation as time passed, and conventional laboratory techniques, such as vacuum filtration and low speed (<5 000 rpm) centrifugation were proven ineffective for the separation of nanoparticles from the aqueous solution. ...
Problem formulation began with the identification of the alternatives. These were defined as “silver nanoparticle synthesis protocols based on bottom-up approaches that use reducing and capping agents to convert a silver salt to silver nanoparticles”. In less technical terms, the reducing agents in ...
Copper nanostructures Green synthesis Jujube Neem Extract 1. Introduction Nanotechnology has attracted a lot of attention over time. The basic component of nanotechnology is nanoparticles (NSs) [1]. NSs are particles with sizes between 1 and 100 nm and are composed of carbon, metal, metal oxides...
Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Sapota Fruit Waste and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial ActivitySapota pomaceGreen synthesisSilver nanoparticlesAntimicrobial activityStructural characterizationPurposeGreen synthesis of spherical silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by using sapota fruit pomace was carried out ...
Green Catalysis and Separation Engineering Labdirected by Prof. Zuzeng Qin,whose interesting including the environmental-friendly catalytic processes and synthesis/separation of fine chemicals. The current research of the lab focuses on (1) Catalytic conversion of CO2strengthened by plasma; (2) Heterogen...
mentioned that negatively charged silica (SiO2) nanoparticle can lead to DNA compaction by causing depletion in DNA coil structure due to the excluded volume of nanoparticles12. Not only ions, osmoti- cants, like organic solvents, polyethylene glycol (PEG) can also induce DNA compaction by ...