Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) is dedicated to publishing high-impact research discoveries and results from academic and industrial laboratories on sustainable synthetic technologies for molecule construction and production. The journal features content that is related to homogeneous and … View full ...
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《绿色合成与催化(英文)》(Green Synthesis and Catalysis)(季刊),创刊于2020年, 由复旦大学和武汉工程大学主办,由KeAi出版,利用Elsevier国际化出版平台ScienceDirect,发表一流绿色化学领域的最新研究成果,搭建一流研究成果发布平台,致力于成为绿色合成领域的主流期刊。
Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) is dedicated to publishing high-impact research discoveries and results from academic and industrial laboratories...
绿色合成与催化(英文)(Green Synthesis and Catalysis)(国际刊号) (官网投稿)的纠错信息 各位老师、同学们好: 全站一万多个期刊,我们都是每天人工滚动核实、更新其投稿信息,循环一遍大概需要七八个月时间,其间肯定会有变更了的期刊信息难以被及时发现,为保证信息准确不耽误大家投稿,欢迎您积极参与纠错!为表感谢,凡对...
, and provide both pros and cons of potential technologies. Green Processing and Synthesis provides a platform for scientists and engineers, especially chemists and chemical engineers, but is also open for interdisciplinary research from other areas such as physics, materials science, or catalysis....
在此大背景之下,复旦大学陈芬儿院士和亚利桑那大学王卫教授联合国内外的相关领域专家,创办Green Synthesis and Catalysis(《绿色合成与催化》),并于2020年8月15日-17日,在井冈山召开了新刊发布会及第一届编委会第二次会议。 期刊简介 Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) 由复旦大学和武汉工程大学主办,由KeAi出版,利...
, and provide both pros and cons of potential technologies. Green Processing and Synthesis provides a platform for scientists and engineers, especially chemists and chemical engineers, but is also open for interdisciplinary research from other areas such as physics, materials science, or catalysis....
especially chemists and chemical engineers, but is also open for interdisciplinary research from other areas such as physics, materials science, or catalysis. The journal publishes manuscripts in the following topics: Flow chemistry, microreaction technology and microfluidics Process intensification Green che...
, and provide both pros and cons of potential technologies. Green Processing and Synthesis provides a platform for scientists and engineers, especially chemists and chemical engineers, but is also open for interdisciplinary research from other areas such as physics, materials science, or catalysis....