Green supply chain management (GSCM) has been regarded as an effective tool in China for mitigating the negative effects that firms have on the environment. However, the extent to which GSCM pressures influence GSCM practices, and whether and how GSCM practices affect GSCM performance are topics ...
Green Supply Chain Management in China: Innovative Measures and the Moderating Role of Quick Response Technology The last decade has witnessed a sharp rising trend in environmental awareness and protection in China. Green supply chain management (GSCM) has been regard... G Li,TM Choi,S Sethi -...
Green supply chain management practices (GSCMPs) and their driving factors have been extensively studied globally, yet specific industry contexts remain un
Green supply chain management in China Globalization results in both pressure and drivers for Chinese enterprise to improve their environmental performance. As a developing country, China has to... Q Zhu,J Sarkis - Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 被引量: 910...
(Green Supply Chain Management) 选 词 理 由 除了参加碳市场交易碳配额、碳信用进行直接减排,或参加绿电或绿证交易进行间接减排以外,企业还可以从供应链管理的角度出发,搭建自身的绿色供应链管理体系,进行产品全生命周期的低碳管理,从而减少碳...
studies on green supply chain management in China derive from green manufacturing theories abroad,while oversea studies focus results from the pressure on firm development.Second,the evaluation mechanism consists of the content of evaluation as well as the means,and the former has a direct impact on...
And conditions and attentive questions of actualization of green supply chain management strategy for china enterprises are introduced. 首先分析了绿色供应链的优势,接着论述了绿色供应链管理的内容组成,包括生态设计、清洁生产、绿色营 销和生态消费,最后阐明了我国实施绿色供应链管理战略的前提和应注意的几个问题...
We examine the engagement with "green" supply chain management (GSCM) in both the B2B and B2C sector. We use a novel data collection approach, which minimises social desirability bias and common source bias, to capture GSCM. GSCM is less profound in B2B supply chains compared to B2C supply ...
In addition to academic research on the concepts of "green supply chain" and "green supply chain management", both China and western countries have been popularizing green supply chain management in their respective jurisdictions by formulating relevant laws, regulations and policies in this regard, ...
An inter-sectoral comparison of green supply chain management in china: Drivers and practices. J. Clean. Prod. 2006, 14, 472–486. [CrossRef] 4. Zhu, Q.; Sarkis, J.; Lai, K. Initiatives and outcomes of green supply chain management implementation by Chinese manufacturers. J. Environ. ...