Tienda de modelismo online especializada en wargames, modelismo estático y juegos de mesa. Green Stuff World.
Kneadatite Epoxy Sealant Adhesive Putty Miniature figure sculptors and modelers use Kneadatite (Blue/Yellow), which they have nicknamed "Green", for a number of specific uses: To fashion the models used to make the molds for miniature pewter figures. To fill gaps th...
Kneadatite Green Stuff is the original green formulation modelling putty used by model makers, sculptors and war gamers to create models and miniatures
GreenStuffWorldGreenPutty绿色补土填缝打磨GSW战锤人像模型制作工具 GreenStuffWorld Green Putty绿色补土填缝打磨GSW战锤/人像/兵人 ¥29.9 折后¥29.9 发货地: 江苏 连云港 品牌: WARHAMMER/战锤 风格: GreenStuffWorld GREEN Putty 绿色 补土 填缝 打磨 GSW 战锤 人像 图文详情 本店推荐 图文详情...