Links to stores that sell green products, Environmental shopping for a sustainable Green - Eco products to conserv energy, reduce your eco footprint
Wave Malls are undeniably one of India's finest shopping destinations, with cutting edge infrastructure, technology and management. They are one-stop entertainment, food and shopping destinations. Wave Group is a pioneer in developing shopping malls in North India. Wave Malls in Noida, Kaushambi, L...
Green Mall Shopping Street优惠活动 附近商户 Matsumoto Kiyoshi(Drugstore Kokura Uomachi 2Chome) 松本清(药妆店小仓鱼町2丁目店) 立减券 EDION Corporation (SEAMALL SHIMONOSEKI STORE) 爱电王(Seamall下关店) 立减券 返现券 下关市其他分店 EDION Corporation (SEAMALL SHIMONOSEKI STORE) 爱电王(Seamall...
北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号侨福芳草地购物中心1楼 (010)56907000 营业时间 10:00-22:00 相册 评论(26条评论) 4.8 爱吃早午餐的小妖精nini 2019-08-06 fashion icon也不是只会逛吃的,人家也是文青来着~芳草地是最爱的shopping mall有之一~ 哈哈不过整体的室内设计是真的喜欢...
零售的核心就是“人、货、场”,The Green Party绿光派对聚焦年轻客群的消费喜好,不仅引入丰富的潮流IP,更是不断加速布局高端Shopping Mall。以上海环球港为例,作为上海人新生活方式的“城市天际轮廓线“,聚集了很多时下年轻人喜爱的品牌——彰显年轻人全新运动生活方式品牌lululemon、小众网红的西西弗书店、潮酷流行...
__ __ The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina Minnesota. People love doing all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now malls are town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, and of cour...
Greenland Center No.3 Shopping Mall is a shopping center in Jinan, Shandong. Mapcarta, the open map.
Located just minutes from downtown Nashville, The Mall at Green Hills is home to over 100 stores and eateries. The mall offers an unparalleled mix of luxury, contemporary and fast-fashion retailers and is anchored by Tennessee’s only Nordstrom,
Greenland Center No.5 Shopping Mall is a shopping center in Jinan, Shandong. Mapcarta, the open map.
我们都知道“二维码” 英语是QR code,QR=quick response,所以“健康码”的正确表达是health QR code,简称health code。 例句: You should show your health QR code, then you can enter the shopping mall. 你要出示你的健康码,然后才可以进入商场。