Combining decades of waterproofing success with the latest in green roofs, GREENSCAPES® is the custom solution for your unique green roof design. With job-specific growing media and a comprehensive range of accessories, we work with you to design and develop the perfect green roof for...
Residential buildingsSustainable developmentWhen designing green roofs, decision-makers continually face the difficult task of balancing benefits against costs. The use of decision analysis methods is essential in complex decision-making processes including different perspectives, multiple objectives, and ...
Building Berlin's Future: Construction Begins on MVRDV's LXK Office and Residential Campus March 11, 2024 LXK Office and Residential Campus. Image Courtesy of MVRDV MVRDVhas just begun construction on the LXK Office andResidentialCampus in Berlin. Situated in Friedrichshain, nearBerlinOstbahnhof, the...
Plant-covered roofs have become a regular sight in Portland, Oregon. The city is a leader in incorporating green infrastructure for stormwater management, including free street trees, rebates for small residential housing footprints, and green roofs. Greenroofs, also known as rooftop gardens or ec...
Green Roof ResourcesMost information on green roofs is aimed at big buildings, but a few solid residential resources exist.Books: First grab Small Green Roofs: Low-Tech Options for Greener Living by Nigel Dunnett, Dusty Gedge, John Little, and Ed Snodgrass, mostly for its overview and ...
Green Roof Systems Porous Paving Systems Pervious Paving Systems STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS©2006 - 2025 Green Innovations Ltd
Green Roof Systems Porous Paving Systems Pervious Paving Systems STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS©2006 - 2025 Green Innovations Ltd
Green roof systems actually protect the underlying roof structure from the elements and extend the lifespan of the roof—in some cases doubling the number of years before replacement is necessary. In general, the average lifespan of a conventional roof is 17 years, while a green roof ...
Welcome to LiveRoof LLC! We are an industry leading green roof provider dedicated to improving the environment in an urban settting.
Sustainable and resilient Green Roof engineering for multiple high-end residential projects in the Caribbean (e.g. Turk & Caicos, St. John Virgin Islands) with water collecting and water saving natural soil profiles allowing native vegetation. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Green Roof...