The colors of Algeria are green, white and red which were chosen to represent Islam's holy colors (green) and France's tricolor (red-white). In Islam, the crescent moon and sun are symbols of enlightenment; in Pakistan-under whose flag they fly-they signify progress through education. Leba...
white elephant:无用而累赘的东西 white crow:罕见的事物 the white way:白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区) Oh, don't forget Black and White, which means:白纸黑字 white coffee:牛奶咖啡 white feather:胆怯 white flag:举白旗,投降 hit the white:完全正确 days with a white stone:过着幸福的生活 whit...
He had to show the white flag at the end of the debate. 辩论到最后他只好认输. white lie 不怀恶意的谎言 The doctor told him a white lie. 医师没把事实告诉他. white night 不眠之夜 He spent a white night. 他度过了一个不眠之夜. white pollution 白色污染 Discardedplastic bags and fastfood...
33. Mint green nails with a white moon design. Half-moon design is considered as a classic one, along with French tips. But unexpected colors give it a new life every time. Mint green and white together create a tender, pastel mix, very pleasant for our eyes. Best worn in spring and ...
white elephant 白象, 累赘物 white feather 胆怯,白羽毛(怯懦的象征)white flag 白旗(投降的标帜)yellow streak 胆怯 yellow-belly 胆小,懦弱 yellow-covered 表面黄色的,廉价的,无用的 yellow-dog 可耻的 grey matter [口]头脑 grey collar 灰领工人,服务行业职工 grey mare 胜过丈夫的妻子 red ...
Travel, Water Trapped in a dive boat for 36 hours, survivor’s daughter raises red flags over rescue Travel Unanswered questions after 11 people perished on an Egyptian dive boat accident Nature, Politics, Travel Rescue divers need a global rescue alert system, following failed Sea Story incident...
cent:一分钱;red gold:纯金;red tip on stock market:指股票市场的最新情报汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”.例如红糖:brown sugar红茶:black tea红榜:honour roll红豆:love pea红运:good luck红利:dividend红事:weddingred wine: 红酒red ruin: 火灾red battle: 血战red sky: 彩霞...
Red tea❓ ✅Black tea❗ 红糖 Red sugar❓ ✅Brown sugar❗ 金发 Golden hair❓ ✅Blond hair❗ 白头发 White hair❓ ✅Grey hair❗ 黑巧克力 Black chocolate❓ ✅Dark chocolate❗ 黑眼睛 Black eyes❓ ✅Dark eyes❗ ...
Taken from myFacebookpage, linked tooDr. Michio Kakupage; the "placed glass" statement immediately set off a red flag! Placed Glass was used to render effects in the 1960's "Star Trek" with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. My samples ...