Certain formulas can give baby’s poop a green hue. Dark green (or green-black) poop in babies is commonly caused by iron supplements or iron-fortified formula. A sensitivity to milk proteins, digestive-enzyme deficiency, or carbohydrate malabsorption can also cause green poop in formula-fed ba...
Cow's milk protein allergy, the most common food allergy in infants, is when your baby's immune system triggers an adverse reaction to the proteins in cow's milk. Most infant formulas have this protein, which is why CMPA is more prevalent in formula-fed babies. However, breastfed babies ...
Green poop in kids can be caused by green foods includingJell-O, fruit snacks, spinach and leafy vegetables. Green poop in infants is more common for formula-fed than breastfed infants, but is still normal in both. Some medicines, including iron, can cause green poop in kids. What does ...