Green Matters is dedicated to making news and topics across sustainability and innovation accessible to all. We help bring awareness to global issues and solutions, and hope to inspire you to make simple changes to your daily habits and lifestyle.
important for Monarch butterflies. At bottom right below is the first Monarch (Danaus plexippus) egg I’ve spotted this season. Humans and monarchs (and aphids and Milkweed bugs and more) can all share in the bounty and blessings of this plant — and have done so in this region for ...
list. Researchers found that green anacondas are actually two genetically distinct species. The originalEunectes murinus,or southern green anaconda, andEunectes akayima, the northern green anaconda, are 5.5 percent different, genetically. Humans are at most two percentgenetically differentfrom chimpanzees....
Regular water dishes are great places for bacteria and fungus to develop as many birds dunk food and or sit over top of the water and poop in it. I strongly believe that I have not had any disease as a result of using water bottles along with other cleaning practices. Also, pet birds...
The placenta in humans has historically been viewed as a reliable barrier protecting the fetus from potential dangers lurking in the mother’s bloodstream. This fantasy has been shattered by shocking revelations in recent decades, like a 2005 report from Environmental Working Group that umbilical cord...
There’s no proof of Greenland sharks attacking humans: An 1859 reportof a Greenland shark found with a human leg in its stomachwas never corroborated. However, the animal’s flesh ispoisonous; eating it can causediarrhea, vomiting, stumbling, and convulsions, also known as getting “shark ...
An unidentified nibbler shredded several leaves of the toxic Brugmansia (pictured blooming below) and deer have stripped whole (also toxic, raw, to humans) poke plants, but the last figs to ripen are doing so unmolested by yellow jackets. Black walnuts litter the ground, and almost all of ...
Poop bags A cell phone pre-programmed with the number of the closest vet, but keep it in the car Your insurance information and a pen and paper to record information Things to Leave at Home or in the Car When You go to the Dog Park Your cell phone Your iPad or any type of electroni...
I found a full fly in my soup... whoop there it is...Poop bear and grin.. Loose hair and win...SHoot Heroin.. If gas were free, I would be with you, and you would be with me. Everyday I would go, I don’t fucking know where, but I would... I promise...I...
The green turtle is a large, weighty sea turtle with a wide, smooth carapace, or shell. It inhabits tropical and subtropical coastal waters around the world and has been observed clambering onto land to sunbathe. Populations It is named not for the color of its shell, which is normally br...