Green Party - On Our Struggling Economy
The Green Party is the fastest-growing party in the United States and the largest political move- ment in the world. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers concerned about grassroots democracy, economic and social justice, nonviolence, and an ecologically sustainable environment have joined the Greens in...
The Maine Green Independent Party realizes that N.A.F.T.A., G.A.T.T., F.T.A.A., and the W.T.O. drive international policies that strive for a global economy to the detriment of the economy of the State of Maine , and we call upon it and politicians to counter these influences...
Feng Fei, secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, revealed to CGTN host Wang Guan that Hainan plans a complete ban on new sales of fossil fuel vehicles across the island by 2030, leading global efforts with a current new energy vehicle penetration rate of 50 percent. "H...
Green smart cities will not come into the full frame without political party support (Kogan and Lee, 2014). Political parties from the central government, state government, and local bodies must show their coordination and support to implement green smart cities. Top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top...
address both local and global environmental challenges, the party seeks to integrate ecological principles into the governance and development policies of Chile. Their values are deeply rooted in the belief that environmental health is intrinsically linked to the well-being of society and the economy....
Compared with common bond, firms issuing green bond must be verified by a third party and must comply with certifications (Flammer, 2021). If the firm defaults on the certification, the relevant authorities would propose corrective action or even withdraw the certification. Through the ...
First Lady Jill Biden, and her vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz. “I am so proud of the race we ran and the way we ran it,” she said. Her voice cracked slightly as she added, “We owe loyalty not to a president or to a party but to the Constitution of the United States.”...
The translation is provided by third-party software. The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Although we strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, and originality of all such content, we cannot guarantee ...
The government's £22bn bet on CCS would be far better spent on capturing CO2 from hard-to-abate industry and nature-based climate solutions, argues Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay MP 15 November 2024 • 4 min read Politics Trump's re-election is a hurdle rather than dead-end...