The Ten Key Values of the Green Party set out its key beliefs and future political thrust. In essence, the party is committed to increased public participation at all levels of government, the development of communities, operating with justice and democratically, and a healthy environment, not on...
Presidential aspirations aside, the party continues to work to cement their role as a vital third party in the U.S. and not follow past notable third parties into obscurity by having their key views absorbed. For more information on the Green Party and elections, look over the links on the...
The Maine Green Party believes that it is in our communities and our neighborhoods that true social justice can be made to thrive. If our national and state governments had a commitment to the development and support of sustainable communities, there would be a natural and parallel commitment to...
This commitment is often associated with personal beliefs, attitudes, and values, which can drive individuals to engage in green entrepreneurial behavior [77]. A commitment to the environment often stems from awareness and education about environmental issues. In Saudi Arabia, there has been a ...
Environmental Attitudes, Beliefs about Social Justice and Intention to Vote Green: Lessons for the New Zealand Green Party? Environmental Politics, 2009, roč. 18, č. 2, s. 257-278. ISSN 0964-4016.Carroll, P., Casswell, S., Huakau, J., Perry, P., & Howden Chapman, P. (2009...
(2021). Climate Actions, Market Beliefs, and Monetary Policy. Market Beliefs, and Monetary Policy (July 29, 2021). Angelopoulos, K., Economides, G., Philippopoulos, A., (2010).What is the Best Environmental Policy? Taxes, Permits and Rules under Economic and Environmental Uncertainty, CES...
The eco-friendly behaviors of the supervisor and subordinates are positively significant [61] since the manager's behaviors exhibit their beliefs, and their values are passed on to their employees by role models. In the presence of responsible leadership, the subordinates understand and recognize the...
The current research investigates the complex interplay between artificial intelligence (AI)-induced job insecurity, psychological contract breach (PCB), pro-environmental behavior at work (PEBW), and ethical leadership in the context of organizational s
While the hybridization of ecological knowledge has attracted substantial attention from researchers, the coexistence of local and allopathic medicinal traditions in literate societies widely exposed to centralized schooling and medical services has not
years back. After that comes Touching the Wild, which is a dual-purpose sourcebook. Half of it is a bestiary about the shadowspawn. The other half is a player’s guide to the rhydan, the psychic animals of the Blue Rose setting. This does include the option of an all rhydan party!