This has been an important step towards electoral consolidation, since the politics of the united Germany will hold a less favourable political climate for Green success, which will make them more dependent on their own political performance.doi:10.1080/09644019308414086...
BERLIN, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Germany's Green party reached a new record level of support among German voters and were on par with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's political union Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union(CDU/CSU), the Politbarometer opinion poll published on Friday by...
BERLIN, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Germany's green party (Die Gruenen) is voicing support for a general speed limit on German highways via Cem Oezdemir, the former head of the German greens who considered the speed limit to be a "commandment of reason" in an interview with the German broadca...
The Green party first achieved electoral success in Germany in the early 1980s. German Green party candidates were elected to public office on platforms that stressed four basic values: ecology, social justice, grassroots democracy, and nonviolence. In the mid-1990s, the Green party was established...
Green party success, Germany shuts down nuclear power plants(The Duran 19-4-23)DarTharpsEal 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多67.9万 474 4:17 App 【英雄联盟】血汗与泪水 | 官方音乐视频宣传片 155 -- 3:30 App [战锤涂装] Corsair Green and Cream Cloth - YouTube 4720 -- ...
22 -- Germany's green party (Die Gruenen) is voicing support for a general speed limit on German highways via Cem Oezdemir, the former head of the German greens who considered the speed limit to be a "commandment of reason" in an interview with the German broadcaster ARD on Tuesday. ...
The Green Party's political success in Germany spearheaded the 1980s "green wave" in other West European democracies. Despite their defeat in 1990, the Greens still hold the balance of power in Germany and stand a good chance of making a comeback in the 1994 elections. This book is a com...
theGreenParty绿党 greenpolitics 主张环境保护的政见 The power of theGreenmovement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials. 德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。 五、green 表示尽量减少...
Green party politician Kretschmann had already been Germany's most popular head of state in the Forsa Trendbarometer of 2017 and 2018. With an approval rate of 66 percent, Daniel Guenther, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, was the second most popular head of a federal state in Germany,...
Turning to the European election, the Politbarometer showed that 33 percent of Germans would vote for the CDU/CSU and 18 percent would vote for the SPD and the Greens respectively. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) would get 10 percent of the votes, Germany's liberal party (FDP) 7 percent...