scishow, 视频播放量 11、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 1, 视频作者 物理与化学极客, 作者简介 ,相关视频:全200集【生活中的化学】儿童科普动画 每天10分钟轻松涨知识 孩子一看就感兴趣的化学小知识,【2025年陈潭飞化学】b站最棒的初中化学系
The dominant benchmark method of hydrogen production issteam methane reforming(SMR). A modern SMR plant producesbetween nine and 11kg CO₂e per kg hydrogen; this is “grey” hydrogen. Adding conventional carbon capture and storage to SMR (to produce “blue hydrogen”) can reduce the carbon i...
Blue hydrogenis hydrogen produced from natural gas with a process of steam methane reforming, where natural gas is mixed with very hot steam and a catalyst. A chemical reaction occurs creating hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Water is added to that mixture, turning the carbon monoxide into carbon d...
3.value chain--production,storage,transportation and utilization of hydrogen roadmap to a green hydrogen society short-term:expand the use of green hydrogen--R&D od carbon dioxide capture and storage technology,lowering capture cost long-term:build green hydrogen infrastructure--develop water electrolysi...
A fight over a vital federal tax credit intended to kickstart a market for low and no carbon hydrogen and worries over high production costs are cooling near-term expectations for the green hydrogen fuel. 为启动低碳和无碳氢市场而展开的一项重要联邦税收抵免之争,以及对高昂生产成本的担忧,正在降低...
blue hydrogendecarbonizationgreenhouse gas footprinthydrogenmethanemethane emissionsHydrogen is often viewed as an important energy carrier in a future decarbonized world. Currently, most hydrogen is produced by steam reforming of methane in natural gas ("gray hydrogen"), with high carbon dioxide ...
Hydrogen’s diverse applications In general terms, hydrogen can be used as a fuel in two main ways. It can be burned to produce heat, or it can be fed into a hydrogen fuel cell to generate electricity. The good news is that once blue or green hydrogen has been produced, it has a va...
Hydrogen is a promising energy carrier and feedstock alike for decarbonizing the energy, transport, and chemical sector and mitigating the effects of global warming. Identifying and realizing environmentally friendly hydrogen production pathways is, however, significantly impeded by the need for step-wis...
"Green hydrogen, also known as GH2, is a clean hydrogen that’s produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. This process is powered entirely by renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, tidal or wind power,” explains Clara Wiltberger, Industrial Equipment Indu...
you need to have something that captures the carbon dioxide and either stores it underground, which is known as carbon capture and storage, or uses that carbon dioxide, for example, an industrial process, which would be carbon capture, utilization and storage. So blue hydrogen is us...