is not tired of eating ham, as he appeared to be seeking meat the other night. 1849 Sam Sly 12 May 3/2: We advise that little pup, Be—nj—in W—st, to keep his little fingers off other person’s meat, or he will be getting choicely nailed. 1850 Man of Pleasure’s Illus. ...
2016 J.L. Hurst Night Tony Shot the Lights Out 347: He was wearing a fancy striped shirt and those drape pants, shit catchers I think they call them. shit-chute (n.) (also shitshoot) 1. the anus. 1968 197019801990200020102020 2023 1968 G. Legman Rationale of the Dirty Joke (1972) ...
Excessive consumption of fossil fuels leads to the aggravating environmental pollution, and greenhouse effect. Hydrogen (H2) is considered as one of the promising alternative energy carrier benefiting from its sustainable, zero-carbon emission, regenerative, and high intrinsic energy density (≈282 kJ...
200 μL of acid-propanol was added and kept undisturbed overnight in dark. The absorbance was noted at 650 nm in a microtitre plate reader (Bio Rad U.S.A). The optical density of the control was fixed, and the percent viability of the treated cells was calculated by standard methods....
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Volume 84, June 2023, 127932ReviewUrban green spaces and sustainability: Exploring the ecosystem services and disservices of grassy lawns versus floral meadows Author links open overlay panelShishir Paudel, Sarah L. StatesShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https:/...
Staying up late one night, they drafted a plan and came up with the first target they would pitch. Michèle Flournoy had served as undersecretary of defense for policy from 2009 to 2012. Both Aguirre and Chadda had known her well in the Obama administration. Since leaving office, she’d ...
2023, “Odd Times”. The band’s signature blend of “heavy future groove” combines headbanging metal riffage & surgical rhythmic precision with bone shaking 808s, sub synths and ethereal vocal stylings for a dance floor that welcomes moshing, dancing and hip swaying alike. Listeners are ...
The slurry was well mixed in mortal for 30 min then coated on the copper foil as a current collector, then the electrode was dried at 80 °C in vacuum state overnight before cutting into a disc with 14 mm diameter by a punch. The estimated total active material loaded on a ...
Briefly, it was performed by submerging the paper overnight in an aqueous solution of NaOH 3.75 M, containing 1 M of sodium chloroacetate, under slight stirring in an orbital agitator (Scheme S1). Afterward, the paper was thoroughly washed first with ethanol and then with water before being ...
especially at night, with threats of theft, violence, drugs, and other types of crime (Koskela and Pain2000). Lyytimaki et al. (2008) discussed situations where nature appears to be a nuisance to urban lifestyles with disservices, including pollen health risks and safety concerns in dark par...