采用全铝锅身打造,锅里涂有环保无毒的Thermolon 陶瓷不粘锅涂层,能很好的分布热量并保证热量不散失,热塑手柄柔软舒适不会烫手,可放心机洗,非常可爱的马卡龙颜色,高颜值的不粘锅~Amazon.com 现有 The Cookware Company GreenLife 8英寸 马卡龙色陶瓷不粘锅,现价$14.98。
商标名称 GREEN LIFE 国际分类 第21类-厨房洁具 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 56048477 申请日期 2021-05-13 申请人名称(中文) 厨具环球采购有限公司;THECOOKWARECOMPANYGLOBALSOURCINGLIMITED 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 中国香港九龙湾宏照道38号企业广场5座20楼02-04室;FLAT/RM 02-04 BLK 1...
商标名称 GREEN LIFE 国际分类 第08类-手工器械 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 45336096 申请日期 2020-04-10 申请人名称(中文) 厨具环球采购有限公司;THECOOKWARECOMPANYGLOBALSOURCINGLIMITED 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 中国香港九龙湾宏照道38号企业广场5期1座3201室;FLAT/RM 3201, 32/F, TOW...
GREEN LIFE 56043387 注册号 商标无效 商标状态 11类 灯具空调 注册类别 商标基础信息商标类型: 普通商标专用权期限: 暂无共有商标: 否申请人名称:报告> 厨具环球采购有限公司>申请人地址: 中国香港九龙湾宏照道38号企业广场5座20楼0***代理机构名称: 陈韵云知识产权代理(北京)有限公司...
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In this GreenPan safety review, it is worth mentioning GreenChef and GreenLife. For your information, GreenChef, GreenLife, and GreenPan are sister brands of the same company called Cookware Company. And they all use Thermolon for non-stick coating. Both GreenChef and GreenLife say that most...
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Water is the essence of life, and yet it is almost universally taken for granted. This is at a time when we are seeing unprecedented and dire water issues globally. Water is managed as a resource (i.e., drinking water) and a waste product (i.e., stormwater) while also being managed...
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NPEs have been associated with reproductive and developmental effects in lab studies on rodents and are highly toxic to aquatic life. They have been found in human breast milk, too. While the EPA is starting to take action on NPEs, they...
Stainless steel kitchenware almost covers all the kitchen utensils needed in our daily life. Unlike the traditional titanium and aluminum products, stainless steel kitchenware is relatively environmentally friendly. Read More >> SEND A MESSAGE