ROMAINE LETTUCELettuce is high in silicon which contributes to hair and skin health. It also has B complex vitamins which are good for healthy skin. CELERYCelery juice is high in organic sodium. It’s a great way to replace the water you lose during the day or if you are active. It he...
Honestly, I read other guides before I began a juice program. They were decent…but as I read Farnoosh Brock’s “Your Comprehensive Green Juicing Guide” I found myself really wishing that I had bought this book FIRST to prepare me for my juicing journey. At least I now have what I c...
it can also help improve the condition of your skin and hair. If you want to read more about the health benefits of juicing, I think the website of cancer survivor Kris Carr is a great resource. I have her Crazy Sexy Juices & Succulent Smoothies e-book and it’s terrific. Be aware...
The sodium laureth sulfate in toothpaste can make orange juice taste bitter if you drink it after brushing. The 6 Softest Baby Wipes for Adults — All Plant-Based and PFAS-Free These baby wipes designed for adult use are made of soft fibers, water, and plant-based ingredients, and they're...
Healthy skin and hair: Green foods contain vitamins and minerals that are important for healthy skin and hair, such as vitamins A, C, and E. Improved energy levels: Green foods are a good source of iron and B vitamins, which can help to improve energy levels. In addition to these spec...
Choosing mp3juice happens to be quite useful here. Today, people listen to music in a variety of circumstances, such as at work or while walking, either alone or with a friend, in order to decrease stress and to renew their brains. Listening to music might help you relax if you’re in...
I love the idea of doing something that is so healthy and good for my body. It all started when a friend of my husband’s was diagnosed with Lyme disease and the only thing that gave her any relief was green juice. Before that, I had never heard of juicing....
editorial for 9 years; she's written hundreds of high-performing stories on skin care, wellness, makeup, and hair. She's a regular on set, helping to source inspiration for makeup and hair looks, as well as interviewing celebrities, models, and other notable women and men in the beauty...
The Transform Bar, by Hong Kong-based artist Kacey Wong, is a recycled wood hawker booth where you can grow wheat grass and Wong will make you healthy juices from fresh produce. The Transform Bar footprint is only 3ft by 4ft (0.9m x1.2m), with wheat grass planters mounted on the ex...
In the world of skincare, many brands are like watered-down coffee – diluted with fillers and lacking in true potency. At Juice Beauty, we believe in the power of undiluted ingredients. Our exclusive SuperJuice Complex™, a potent blend of antioxidant-rich fruit juices, floods your skin ...