Green Hydrogen Systems 于 2007 年作为一家研发公司开始开发加压电解槽技术,但自 2017 年以来已进入商业化阶段。公司于2021年6月在纳斯达克哥本哈根上市。 作为一个组织,Green Hydrogen Systems 已从 2020 年的 20 名员工发展到今天的 250 多名员工,作为我们计划的扩展计划的一部分,我们希望继续壮大我们的团队。目前...
丹麦电解槽生产商Green Hydrogen Systems(以下称:GHS)正实施削减成本和重组措施,以应对氢能市场的缓慢发展和公司X系列电解槽商业化进程的延误。GHS公司计划停止销售A系列碱性电解槽,专注6MW X系列产品。GHS将继续生产和交付A系列电解槽订单,直到积压订单在2025年完成。GHS公司表示,将在其使用寿命期间为A系列设备提...
Green Hydrogen Systems最近宣布了对其2023年营收指引的修订。公司目前预计其年度营收将在3亿至4.5亿丹麦克朗(约合4389万美元至6584万美元)之间,较先前的预期大幅下调。这一调整是由于零部件供应商的延迟交付所导致的。 Green Hydrogen Systems在2023年第三季度交易报表(公司公告32/2023)中的声明,承认可能存在未能达到20...
Directional Energysells it’s technologically advanced Ultra H Hydrogen power systems for commercial scale power needs and mission critical applications. We also sell our vertical and horizontal axis wind and hydro Turbines. These systems take advantage of low wind speeds and water flows, where traditi...
Green Hydrogen Systems designs and manufactures efficient, standardised and modular electrolysers for production of green hydrogen with renewable energy.
Kolding, Denmark, 1 May 2024 – Green Hydrogen Systems A/S (“Company”) announces the decision to issue warrants for executive management and key employees, who are in a non-terminated position and who were employed on 1 April 2024. The warrant program is established as a long-term incenti...
Hydrogen Optimized offers large-scale sustainable energy solutions with green hydrogen systems using innovative fuel technology for a clean future. Learn more.
Founded in 2001, by current CEO Enn Õunpuu, Elcogen is a manufacturer of clean energy technology that delivers affordable green hydrogen and emission-free electricity. We supply the core technology that sits at the heart of energy security and transition away from fossil fuels. We are focused...
("LONGi Hydrogen") is committed to becoming the world's leading large-scale green hydrogen equipment and solution provider. At present, the principal business scope of the Company covers large-scale hydrogen production equipment by alkaline water electrolysis and green hydrogen production solutions by ...
By introduction of green hydrogen as a new flexibility source to power systems, it is necessary to investigate its possible impacts on the generation scheduling and power system security. In this paper, a security-constrained multi-period optimal power flow (SC-MPOPF) model is developed aiming ...