不是“绿色的房子”,而是指“花房、温室”,想想种满绿色植物的房子肯定是温室,对不对。二氧化碳是温室气体,可以翻译成“greenhouse gas”,温室效应就是“greenhouse effect”,是不是很好记呢?例句:The company has the green house which can satisfy the cultivation of various kinds of seedlings.公司拥有...
PURPOSE:To regulate a temperature environment and to simply and efficiently collect heat by using green house effect gas except the air as absorbent as single or mixed gas or mixture with liquid, and controlling a radiating load to the absorbent itself. CONSTITUTION:A solar heat exchanger 1 air...
GREEN HOUSE EFFECT * The green house effect is the rise in temperature that the earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun. * Earth receive most of it’s energy, called radiation, from the Sun sun earth Atmosphere * The Earth’s surface absorbs the ...
世界气候变化Climate Change(温室效应Green House Effect)英文介绍 Definition (n.):achangeinglobalclimatepatternsapparent fromthemidtolate20thcenturyonwards,attributedlargelytotheincreasedlevelsofatmosphericcarbondioxideproducedbytheuseoffossilfuels.Itiscommonlyknownas“globalwarming”ContributingGases Water...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Greenhouse Effect: The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth, some of it is reflected back to spa
世界气候变化Climate-Change(温室效应Green-House-Effect)英文介绍.pptx,Climate Change/Global Warming Definition(n.): a change in global climate patterns apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards, attributed largely to the increased levels of atmosp
Define Green house gas. Green house gas synonyms, Green house gas pronunciation, Green house gas translation, English dictionary definition of Green house gas. n. Any of the atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. American Heritage
green house effectThe "greenhouse effect" often gets a bad rap because of its association with global warming, but the truth is we couldn't live without it. What Causes the Greenhouse Effect? Life on earth depends on energy from the sun. About 30 percent of the sunlight that beams toward...
Environmental issues;Hospital Wastes Electronic Wastes Agro Chemicals and their Effects Case Study OF Organic Farming Radioactive Wastes bhopal Gas Tragedy Green House Effect and Global Warming Important Days View Solution Name the pollutants reponsible for the following effects. (a) Reduction in intake...