The Green Hell Wiki is the most comprehensive source of Green Hell information. We are maintaining 3,915 pages and 758 articles since August, 2018. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask anybody from the community or simply leave your comment in the wiki's discussion page...
绿色地狱Green Hell 绿色地狱的长翼龙 by Pablo Dominguez 类型 区域 位于 索斯罗斯 绿色地狱(Green Hell)是索斯罗斯大陆上一个区域,位于夷林废墟南面的森林之后。据说这里的野兽比大陆北部的更加凶猛。有报告称这里有苍白的吸血蝙蝠,可以在数分钟内吸干人的血液,布满纹身的蜥蜴,追捕到猎物之后用后腿上的长弯爪将其...
GREEN HELL —симуляторвыживаниявоткрытоммире, егодействиеразворачиваетсявнеизведанныхамазонскихджунглях. Боритесьзажизньвоткрытоммиресуровых...
The Story or Plot is a series of events that was added to Green Hell in V.1.0. This page is a summary of events that explains some major parts of the story, and, thus, each of the following sections contains many spoilers. Upon completing the tutorial, t
REEN HELL is an Open World Survival Simulator set in the uncharted unique setting of the Amazonian rainforest.You are left alone in the jungle without any food or equipment, trying to survive and find your way out. Clinging to life, the player is set on
Green Hell est une lutte accablante pour votre survie au cœur de la forêt amazonienne. Tandis que le poids de la solitude fera plier son corps comme son esprit, le joueur devra saccrocher à la vie dans un périple qui le mettra à rude épreuve. Com
The Stick Armor is a type of armor which was added in the combat update V.0.4.0. Stick armor is used to protect the players body from wounds obtained through combat or animal attacks. Stick armor provides decent protection for small wounds such as rash,
Green Hell (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 泰文, 繁體中文, 日文) PS4 HK$78.00 平台: PS4, PS5 推出日: 8/7/2024 發行商: Creepy Jar S.A. 遊戲類型: 模擬器 PS5語音: 中文, 英文 PS5螢幕語言: 俄文, 匈牙利文, 土耳其文, 德文, 捷克文, 日文, 法文(法國), 波蘭文, 泰文, 瑞典文, 簡體中文, 繁...
Green Hell ist ein erbitterter Kampf ums Überleben im Amazonas-Regenwald. Du klammerst dich ans Leben und beginnst eine Reise, die dein Durchhaltevermögen auf die Probe stellen wird. Die Einsamkeit wird nicht nur deinen Körper, sondern auch dein
Big stones can be found on the jungle floor, usually near water or cliffs. Big stones can be used to create the Stone Ring, Stone Trap, and Mud Water Filter. Additionally they can be harvested to create 3 Small Stones. Can be combined with a long stick a