Green Hell VR is an open world virtual reality survival game based on a successful PC title. It drops you deep into the heart of the Amazon rainforest. With realistic graphics and interactive environment, you'll have to use all your skills and wits to survive in this unforgiving wilderness....
Green Hell VR is a challenging survival simulation game adapted from the original console version. Jake Higgins, an anthropologist, has come to the Amazon with his partner, Mia, to talk to the Yabahuaca tribe. But when Mia goes missing, Jake’s search for her reveals that both he and the...
全国最大的Green Hell绿色地狱交流攻略吧目录: 单机与主机游戏 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 909 绿色地狱本草纲目版本steam版作者李吹衣(第999只蜗牛) 李吹衣 3 为啥玩绿色地狱这么模糊 ww1310742667 1070显卡 1k分辨率 画质也拉满了但是画面很多锯齿还有颗粒感很重 感性的lz12 3-26 1 有人玩没有 –...
Green Hell VR is the most authentic story-driven VR survival game, where you must use real-life wilderness skills. Collect, craft, and carry everything you need while defending against wild animals inside a hostile Amazon jungle to feel like an elite survivalist.Survive and follow the thrilling...
PS VR2|《Green Hell VR》官方游戏宣传视频「New Buildings & Drums」你孤身一人处在丛林中,没有任何食物或设备。为了生存,你必须学习各种实际生存技巧。#PlayStation[超话]##玩无极限#
須使用PS VR2 Sense控制器 檢視全部 強烈粗口, 毒品 分級 Green Hell VR (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 716個評分 36% 25% 17% 9% 13% 遊戲和法律資訊 最新4 人合作模式現已開放 帶上你的朋友,一起踏上一段令人驚嘆且身臨其境的冒險。探索原始雨林,進行狩獵,並使用現實中...
在打鬥或收集食材時,最理想的方式是遠距離攻擊。請製作一把弓,將自己鍛鍊成神射手。在 VR 遊戲中射箭是非常有趣的體驗。其實不管使用弓或斧頭都無所謂。重要的是能夠應對所有挑戰,生存下去。 「生存」是《Green Hell VR》的核心原則。你幾乎沒有一刻能夠放鬆警惕。威脅無處不在,可能來自虎視眈眈的掠食者、受污...
1 player PS5 Version PlayStation VR2 required View All Drugs, Strong Language Ratings Green Hell VR (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese) Global player ratings 691 ratings 9% 13% Game and Legal Info 4 PLAYER CO-OP MODE COMING SOON ...
加载中... 00:00/00:00 【VR玩乐】绿色地狱VR基础教程生存攻略Green hell 探索游戏世界2022.04.14 07:12 +1 首赞
载入圈VR 在VR成为主流之前,在未来已来的现在关注【VR玩乐】绿色地狱VR基础教程生存攻略Green hell发布于 2022-04-13 23:37 · 3128 次播放 赞同2添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 虚拟现实(VR)Oculus VRVR 游戏OculusOculus Quest元宇宙(Metaverse)...