Green Hell VR Co-Op Mode is Now Live on Meta Quest and PSVR2! Today, Incuvo has released the long-awaited Co-Op mode for Green Hell VR, their critically acclaimed game of survival in the steamy Amazonian rainforest, for players on the Meta Quest and PSVR2 systems. The co-op update ...
When co-op launches on December 16 2024, take your friends on an amazing and immersive adventure. Explore the wild rainforest, set up hunts, and defend yourself from the threats of predators and hostile tribes using authentic survival techniques.Green Hell VR is the most authentic story-driven...
Green Hell VR (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese) Global player ratings 691 ratings 9% 13% Game and Legal Info 4 PLAYER CO-OP MODE COMING SOON When co-op launches on December 16 2024, take your friends on an amazing and immersive adventure. Explore the wild...
While we are excited to bringGreen Hell VRto new players through Meta Quest +, they are aware that many existing fans are waiting for an update about co-op gameplay on their favorite systems. Today, we are pleased to confirm that co-op multiplayer is coming toGreen Hell VRon PSVR2, Met...
免费节奏音游TaikoFrenzy【VR玩乐】 7747 3 09:59 App Quest3容易被忽略的教程First Hand完整版【VR玩乐】 3839 1 05:30 App 体验MetaQuest2的语音识别控制【VR玩乐】 4.5万 11 04:34 App 【VR玩乐】绝了!Quest2扫描房间1比1变成VR游戏空间 1.4万 12 06:51 App 推荐PICO 4必玩的优质免费VR游戏【VR玩乐...
《Green Hell VR》注重的是真实感,而且更加原始,这里没有恐怖的丧尸或变异生物,但致命因素丝毫不少,因为热带雨林本身就是玩家最大的敌人。 图源:Incuvo 孤身一人直面原始的困境 戴上头显、启动游戏,玩家便进入了郁郁葱葱、潮湿闷热的亚马逊雨林。 受限于Quest 2的硬件机能,《Green Hell》里那种植被茂密、环境...
载入圈VR 在VR成为主流之前,在未来已来的现在关注【VR玩乐】绿色地狱VR基础教程生存攻略Green hell发布于 2022-04-13 23:37 · 3128 次播放 赞同2添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 虚拟现实(VR)Oculus VRVR 游戏OculusOculus Quest元宇宙(Metaverse)...
VR载入圈 0 2008年,4名美国间谍到南海捣乱,最终下场如何?纪录片 航长探索界打开APP 田鼠哥李正皓又在大放厥词!他这样讲话不会脑充血吗? 台海大林3841跟贴打开APP 这家28岁女子卖淫,每天接客30多名,原因是为了挣钱买房 时光莱啦2046跟贴打开APP 三清山抬狗上山,很正常,如果价钱合适我也抬我不觉得受辱!
加载中... 00:00/00:00 【VR玩乐】绿色地狱VR基础教程生存攻略Green hell 探索游戏世界2022.04.14 07:12 +1 首赞