The project is now part of Open House Brno, a free weekend festival held annually that allows visitors to enter and explore various locations across the city and discover their stories and architectural narratives. This year, the festival follows the curatorial concept of “Inclusion and Accessibilit...
La Rambla, a 1.2-kilometer-long promenade in Barcelona, was established in 1766 along the old city walls. Embraced by locals, it became the only spacious area for strolling in a city of narrow streets and grew into a central meeting place for all social classes. Over time, leisure and cul...
Our green restaurants are mission-driven, working every day to make high-quality food and drink grown and made with care, while preserving our land and waterways and giving back to our communities.
Compared to social goals, green IT metrics are currently the easiest one to measure. However, the opportunities are larger. The IT department sits at the core of making a company’s entire sustainability strategy measurable. By collaborating with other functions, such as facilities management, ...
House of Representatives, representing New York’s 12th Congressional District. After only two terms in Congress, she made history again as the first Democratic woman, first African American and first Black woman to seek a major party’s nomination to run for president in 1972. During her ...
Biden promises to shovel trillions into Social Justice and green energy ratholes, how Democrats plan to steal the election, more Slow Joe verbal stumbles, and a potential VP pick has a commie past. It’s this week’s BidenWatch! “Joe Biden’s Costly, Radical Race and Gender Agenda.” Jo...
<> Viewd on 03/04/2022 Google Scholar Kumar and Dhorde, 2021 K. Kumar, A. Dhorde Impact of land use land cover change on storm runoff generation:...
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Authorities rescued 27 people from a floating chunk of ice that broke away from shore in the bay of Green Bay in eastern Wisconsin, the sheriff's office said Sunday.
The prototype would be in Dubai, the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the next host of COP28 in 2023. The ambitious project would represent the first Vertical Forest prototype for the MENA (Middle East and North Africa), and it is the latest in an extended ...
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