Green finance (GF)Green innovation (GI)Incentive effectSynergy effectChinaThis article proposes a difference-in-differences empirical research framework that utilizes the Green Financial Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone (GFRIPZ) implemented in China in 2017 as an exogenous shock to identify the ...
The results offer valuable insights for policymakers to strengthen green finance policies while facilitating sustainability in corporate development.关键词: Green finance Corporate green innovation Financing constraint Research and development investment
In this study, the policy of green finance reform and an innovation pilot site in 2017 was used as a quasi-natural experiment to investigate the influences of green finance reform on corporate green innovation. It was found that corporate green innovation improved significantly after the implementati...
At the same time, green innovation has both costs and benefits. On the one hand, it requires significant fixed investment from the outset and ongoing cash flow support throughout the process, resulting in cost losses and increased financial risks. This can be detrimental to the corporate financia...
Green finance is acknowledged as a critical policy tool in China’s sustainable development sector, with the goal of lowering the financial burden ass
Green finance has emerged as a main driving force for green development in which green innovation has served as the key approach. However, little is known about how green finance impacts green innovation performance. In this research, we empirically examined the hypotheses by fixed effect model wit...
As global sustainability imperatives increase, understanding how green finance policies and technological innovation influence corporate environmental performance has become a relevant issue. This study examines the impact of green finance on corporate environmental practices, particularly focusing on how innovatio...
Therefore, it is very effective to increase the impact on the micro level, especially on the enterprise side, through green financial reform and innovation, to promote the transformation of enterprises. The motivation of this paper is to examine the effect of the policies of the Green Finance ...
Green finance is not just a global trend, but it has become an important channel for industrialized countries to achieve sustainable growth. However, few s
What are the relationships among environmental performance, green finance, and green innovation in developing countries? Existing literatures support the impact of green finance or green innovation on environmental performance, but rare studies query the cointegration among such three variables. We thus uti...