Most of countries are presently facing climate change as one of their biggest concerns, and that is the reason they have started shifting towards green energy. It is expected that current generations would support such actions, and new policies, and promote the use of green technologies to ensure...
Guangdong Province is answering this call through integrated strategies that amplify the synergies of green energy, intelligent technologies, and digital ecosystems—from powering all National Games venues with 100% renewable electricity, to Shaoguan's plan to build 546,000 standardracks to solidify globa...
Science and technology is the mean to achieve sustainable development. It is especially so when commitment to climate action and the protection of the biosystem is and will be the foundation for economic development. The ET&I Green Technologies for Sustainable Environment (GTSE) special issue seeks...
letters to editor (correspondence) and special issues with a mission to report the leading-edge research, innovation, and adoption of green technologies and concepts in a timely manner, which could potentially deliver a step-change in green transformation and transition of our energy and industrial ...
The objective of this research paper is to give an overview of green energy resources/technologies scenario in India. Power and energy security is the most important infrastructure input for the development and growth of economy of a country. The economy of India is ranked twelfth largest in the...
Better Energy is a renewable energy company. We offer companies locally produced green energy to power their green transition. The electricity comes from our solar parks across Europe.
Progress in Carbon Conversion Technologies Edited by Chai Yee Ho Yiin Chung Loong Bridgid Lai Fui Chin Last update 12 February 2024 Photocatalysis (2022) Edited by Sammy W. Verbruggen Guido Mul Last update 8 February 2024 E-waste Recycling and Utilization (2024) ...
Energy for Sustainable Development 3,035 3.610 26 Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 1,581 3.427 27 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 394 3.294 28 Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 1,043 3.286 29 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY 1,880 2.772 30 Internation...
Green energy technologies Public research Technology attributes R&D policy Environmental innovations 1. Introduction The need to reduce human-inducedclimate changes, while avoiding shrinking economic growth is crucial to maintain sustainable economic growth (EC/EACI, 2011;OECD, 2012). In order to achieve...
In Part 1 of this series, we learned how sustainability programs are supported by efficient technologies. Here, we learn how industry is working to reduce carbon emissions. By Lisa Eitel | Executive editor Last year saw 50% more increase in global renewable-electricity capacity than years past ...