绿日乐队(Green Day)昨天在美国首都华盛顿举行了一场演唱会。主唱比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗举起特朗普形象的硅胶面具,上面写着“白痴”(idiot),以呼应其专辑《美国白痴》(American Idiots)发行20周年。国际社媒上,许多网民表示,特朗普遭遇未遂行刺仅过去半个月,绿日乐队此举实属病态,十分低劣,令人作呕。上学时曾喜欢这个乐队...
【新音乐快评】saviors- Green Day CopyOfVoca I am trying to believe. 风格:流行朋克 评分:7.8/10 快评:老牌流行朋克乐队绿日的回归之作,曲风出人意料地回到了乐队American idiots时代,甚至更早的 dookie时代,纯正的不能再纯正的流行朋克风格一定令无… ...
快评:老牌流行朋克乐队绿日的回归之作,曲风出人意料地回到了乐队American idiots时代,甚至更早的 dookie时代,纯正的不能再纯正的流行朋克风格一定令无数老乐迷感慨万千。在本专中,绿日乐队也保留了朋克时代的攻击性,歌词仍旧尖锐地指出社会矛盾与现代人的精神状态,开场曲即在讨论“美国梦”究竟有无意义,并大胆讨论LGBT...
The Lyrics I guess mine's not all that different from the original. That's another bad thing that happens to you when you live in this day and age, most people can't come up with any original thoughts or ideas. The whole world's definition of originality has changed. ...
【新闻】Green Day Rock Band 即将月6月8日上市 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=728514254 limiaozhe Gloria 8 【新闻】American Idiots音乐剧的官网发布一段幕后视频 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=728525798 limiaozhe Gloria 8 【新闻】【图片】BJ接受美国著名同志杂志采访,并登上封面 http://tieba.bai...
ByGreen Day Mind Hello there, Green Day Mind blog readers! First off, I’m sorry that my posts have gone a bit quiet lately. Truth to tell, I’ve lost a bit of my blog-mental-mojo lately with various things here and there that come along with the bullshit of life sinceAmerican Idi...
Green Day《The American Dream Is Killing Me》MV在线看!Green Day 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
"Climate change is racist and we must have a sustainable environment and promote justice and equity", blah, blah, so they have chosen their enemy, fossil fuels and nuclear, and will spend trillions of dollars on a blizzard of lies to destroy it, along with the American economy, our way ...
“The GOP’s whole game of wasting votes in Congress to target others “on the record”, for leg they have no intent to pass, is a disgrace. Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern. Our jobs aren’t for campaigning, & that’s exactly what these bluff-votes are fo...