In 2017, green bond issuance soared to a record high, accounting for $161 billion worth of investment worldwide, according to a report from the rating agency Moody’s. Growth slowed a bit in 2018, hitting only $167 billion, but rebounded the following year thanks to an increasingly climate...
BENGALURU, India (AP) — The government has approved $2.3 billion to support production, use and exports of green hydrogen, aiming to make India a global hub for the nascent industry.
To act on climate change, we need to mobilise more funding into green projects, particularly in developing countries. But we also need to establish transition finance to accelerate companies’ efforts to align their operations and business models with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warmi...
Funds: The paper is an effect of a collaboration and research internships of the Authors at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń w in 2022. The authors would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers and Editor for their thorough work with the manuscript and for providing constructive ...
helps to bolster underserved communities in terms of health and economic benefits, safety, and climate resistance, other times they can actually drive out the residents that they are created to serve. Now, the challenge lies in how to design these recreational sites to create better futures for ...
the Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines for banks andnon-banking financial companies (NBFCs)to accept “green deposits.” This initiative aims to channel funds towards energy efficiency, clean transportation, climate change adaptation, sustainable water and waste management, green buildings, and...
Several approaches have been proposed to allocate the funds among developing countries; regardless, they are still under study, and no specific scheme has been applied. Lastly, the GCF was established with these two main purposes: climate mitigation and climate adaptation. However, the proper ...
South Asia comprises eight countries, namely India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives, and Afghanistan. It is home to more than one-fifth of the total population of the world. It is not only known to be the most disaster-prone region but also the most densely ...
The need for investment in these regions is urgent. Asia is home to 80 per cent of the world’s population that could be flooded if there is a 3˚C rise in global temperatures.4Africa has at least 19 coastal cities with a population of more than 1 million at risk from climate change...
Stormwater Conference & Expo 2025 ByAramis Velazquez, February 21, 2025at10:37 am Come to Warsaw or Join Us Online 3-21-25: “Greening Modern Cities – The Role of Green Roofs and Living Walls in the Context of City Adaptation to Climate Change” ...