Holland & Knight's Green and Sustainable Finance Team advises issuers, investors and developers on sustainability-linked financings throughout the U.S. and Latin America.
BANKING industrySUSTAINABLE developmentFINANCIAL institutionsSUSTAINABILITYREPUTATIONThe term "green banking" refers to a broad range of procedures and guidelines that assist financial institutions in minimising their negative effects on the economy, the environment, and society (...
and Ms Tan Ai Chin, Managing Director, Senior Banker & Head of Investment Banking of OCBC Malaysia, the parties explored avenues for OCBC Group to support the green and sustainable financing of renewable and sustainable energy projects in Sarawak. ...
The Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF) is Deloitte’s flagship capability building programme providing a deep dive into green and sustainable finance for banking professionals and participants working or aspiring to work in the broader finance, investment and insuranc...
法国国立桥路学校(ENPC)自2020年起开设全英语授课项目——“Sustainable and Green Finance”,旨在培养绿色金融专家,为未来的领导者和决策者提供必要的专业背景,如了解能源和生态转型的挑战,评估与项目相关的风险,掌握标准的财务框架等,帮助...
Home > Corporate Banking > Green Finance Services > Green Loan、Sustainability Linked Loan Green Loan、Sustainability Linked LoanBank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”), continually provides diversified financial services, proactively promotes green and sustainability development, develops various ...
Experts share their predictions of what will be top of mind for investors and issuers in the areas of ESG risk, regulations, climate transition and sustainable finance for the year to come. ESG in Conversation: Using ESG Data in Portfolio Construction ...
The event, entitled "EU-China Cooperation for Green and Sustainable Finance", was streamed live on the bilingual platform and it engaged about hundreds of audiences from all over the world. The eager audience consisted of faculty members, students in the programs of Master of Finance, Master ...
NUS的MSc in Sustainable and Green Finance项目由“可持续与绿色金融研究所”(SGFIN)和NUS商学院共同开设。 SGFIN非常新,是NUS在新加坡金融管理局(MAS)的支持下,在2021年建立的研究机构,专注于研究亚洲地区的绿色金融和可持续发展。 具体来说,SGFIN有三个目标: ...
Sustainable finance and green loans for SMEs in Singapore, brought to you by OCBC Business Banking. Apply for green funding and eco financing today.