Green Arrow is a superhero that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp, he first appeared in More Fun Comics #73 in November 1941. His secret identity is Oliver Queen, billionaire and former mayor of fict
DC Comics Green Arrow Premium Format Figure DC漫画绿箭侠雕像公布官图 来自 Sideshow,25寸高,普通版定价580美金,限定版多一个头雕和箭头,595美金 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 5 5 ñ20 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...知名...
Billionaire Oliver Queen uses both his wealth and his unmatched archery skills as the Justice League's battling bowman, Green Arrow.
Green Arrow and Speedy were mainly used as back up features up into the sixties where they became more of a main feature and grew into a fan favorites. Green Arrow became one of the more mature features in DC Comics in later years, dealing with social issues such as drug abuse and male...
BothGreen ArrowandAquamanare heroes who tend to get disrespect from DC Comics fans, particularly for their abilities. While both characters are honestly competent and (especially in Aquaman’s case) pretty powerful for heroes of their respective calibers, the fact that Aquaman controls fish with...
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He has been a member of the Justice League and the Outsiders. Green Arrow was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp, first appearing in More Fun Comics #73 (1941). Connor Hawke is Oliver's son and the second Green Arrow. He is one of the world's greatest martial artists and ...
The truth is, Marvel was revolutionary in the 1960s but DC — that stuffy old company famous for square-faced Superman and Adam West-era Batman — did catch up. Green Arrow/Green Lantern by Dennis O’Neil in the 70s comes to mind. By the 80s, there were plenty of literary books. ...
Experience Dennis O’Neil’s critically acclaimed epic that changed comics forever! Collects GREEN LANTERN (1960) #76-87, #89-123; WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #201, and stories from BRAVE AND THE BOLD #100, DC SPEC... (展开全部) Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes Omnibus的创...