Green and Safe The BarnGREEN & SAFE(新天地店)点评(147条点评) 写点评 4.5/5分 口味 4.4 环境 4.5 服务 4.5 蛋花食游记 哈利波特迷还不赶紧来新天地,这么有趣味的魔法学院氛围感,带我重游霍格沃茨魔法学院。就是在新天地的这一家GREEN & SAFE,充满了国潮风之外,记得来一楼楼梯间哈利波特小房间,里面...
GREEN & SAFE(高岛屋店)点评(19条点评) 写点评 4.8/5分 口味 4.8 环境 4.6 服务 4.8 xierita 口味:5 环境:5 服务:5 口味不错,路过随意吃一点,带着宝宝。高岛屋地方不大,但设施还是不错的,走走看看,吃饭娱乐地方不少,周围交通也很方便,不错。 2017-10-29 有用(2) Ting0128 下雨...
Green&Safe(徐汇店) 美食 021-54651288 徐汇区东平路6号 大巴包车价格免费查询详细信息 营业时间:08:00-22:00 邮编:暂无 店铺特色:可以刷卡,有露天位,有下午茶,休闲小憩,朋友聚餐,无线上网,供应早餐,随便吃吃,情侣约会,有景观位 推荐菜:色拉,胡萝卜蛋糕,打不到的甜菜根,色拉拼盘,面包,柠檬塔,pasta,燕麦...
Green & Safe is a chain of specialty grocers and restaurants by the same folks who own organic hotpot chain Qimin. The retail side of the operation sells produce and meats grown and raised at the company's organic farm in nearby Kunshan as well as specialty items like imported tinned ...
Green & SafeA two story, three parts French establishment, opposite from the middle school affiliated with Shanghai Music school, in the French concession. Clean, good service, delicious food and they sell wine by the glass. If ILeave a Reply...
Green&Safe夏日上新来咯💚盛夏的空气总是闷热🥵困意缱绻来了又来🥱索性让一顿清爽美味的brunch带你开启夏日缤纷派对🥳 - 👇🏻新品推荐👇🏻 【夏日缤纷葡桃开放贝果】蓝莓🫐阳光玫瑰🍇无锡阳山白凤水蜜桃🍑搭配贝果🥯每口都...
Safe & Green Development Corp. Annual stock financials by MarketWatch. View the latest SGD financial statements, income statements and financial ratios.
Green & Safe Le Petit Hongqiao branch of the high-end organic and specialty supermarket and café.
The smart restaurant at the main media center of the Winter Olympics is “unique from other Olympics however because it uses robots to make and deliver the food,” said its correspondent Steven Luke, describing it as “a wild scene straight out of the future.” ...