Greek words for love /与爱有关的希腊词 (来自维基百科,源地址: Agápe(ἀγάπηagápē) means "love" (unconditional love) in modern day Greek, such as in the terms'agapo(Σ'αγαπώ), which means "I love you". In Ancient ...
三分天下,才思维能力 | 圣经中关于爱有三种不同类型的提法, 通常被称为"greek words for love",分别是: 1. Agape love (阿加佩),即神的爱,无条件的关爱,是一种无私的、无条件的爱,不受任何外部因素的影响。 2. Philia love (菲利亚),即友谊之爱, 是指在平等、期待、互惠、说服、建议等基础上的爱,...
Society is subtly highly prescriptive in this regard. It suggests that to be a decent person, we should all be within sexual relationships and furthermore, that within these, we should ‘love’ in a very particular way: we should...
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. The one who doesn't love Me will not keep My words. The word that you hear is not Mine but is from the Father who sent Me....
Beyond Words Publishing, Blackstone Publishing, Eagles and Dragons Publishing, Familius Publishing, Flatiron Books, Hachette Go, HarperCollins Leadership, Oceanview Publishing, Old Stone Press, Rowman & Littlefield, Simon & Schuster, Ulysses Press, Watkins Publishing, Westminster John Knox Press to name ...
That fragment of a 'creed for materialism' which a friend in college had once shown him rose through Donald's confused mind. — John (Kilian Houston) Brunner Stand on Zanzibar (1969) Science quotes on: | Ancient (198) | Cause (561) | Cause And Effect (21) | College (71) | Creed ...
Because of the flectional principle which governs the morphological units or “words,” the word order of Gr. is more flexible than Eng. or Ger. An example of the inflection is given as: Gr. “ὁ θεὸ̀ς ἀγάπηἐστίν” (1 John 4:16), “God ...
It turns out that lymph is a combination of a couple different words: the Latinlumpa, meaning water, and the Greeknymphe, meaning spring goddess. The resulting word –lymphain Latin,lymphein French – means clear water or a goddess of water. ...
920 Words 4 Pages Open Document On November 24th, 2015 I visited my friend Jennifer at her home, as she had informed me that she would be babysitting her two year-old niece, Sophia that day. Prior to this encounter, I had only met Sophia twice. First, Jennifer and I were in the liv...
(Μοῦσαι, Moûsai -- which gives us words like "museum" and "music") at the beginning of the Iliad (depending on our version of the text -- it is not uncommon to avoid naming a god that is to be invoked, as Socrates never does name Apollo as "the god at Delphi" in ...