C The term ecology(生态) comes from a Greek word that means “the study of the house". Ecology is the study of how all living things interact(相互影响)with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our home...
Thetermecology (生态) comesfrom a Greekwordthatmeans "thestudyofthehouse".Ecologyisthestudyofhowalllivingthingsinteract (相互影响) withtheirenvironments.In a way,Earthisthehouseofalllivingthings.Wealllivetogetheronthisplanetanditisourhome.Today,wealsounderstandecologytomeantakingcareofEarthsothathumans,plant...
Becomes an intellectual virtue in Aristotle, as contrasted with *phronesis*, the intellectual virtue that makes the good life possible. The last stem of our word "philosophy." Used in a derogatory way in naming the Sophists, those pretending to be wise. **Sophia**。智慧。在亚里士多德的...
The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means “the study of the house”. Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our ...
polis可以被推断为公众生活的场所,所以它的含义应为political community。A,B,C三种理解与第一段的内容不符,因此都是错的。结果一 题目 It can be inferred from the passage that the Greek word "poll" in Paragraph 1 means ___. A.family lifeB.military serviceC.marriageD.political community 答案 D暂...
Usage: The Greek word "sarx" primarily refers to the physical body or flesh of a living creature, often emphasizing the human body. In the New Testament, "sarx" is used in various contexts, including: - The physical body or human nature (e.g., John 1:14, "The Word became flesh and...
dunamis: Power, strength, ability, might, miracle Original Word:δύναμις Part of Speech:Noun, Feminine Transliteration:dunamis Pronunciation:DOO-nah-mis Phonetic Spelling:(doo'-nam-is) Definition:Power, strength, ability, might, miracle ...
The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means "the study of the house". Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our hom...
What exactly is petroleum? Petroleum is a mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is an oily liquid which may be brown green or black in colors. The word “petroleum” comes from Greek. It means “rock oil”. Crude (天然的 未加工的) oil is petroleum that comes directly from deep...
Tyranny - rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means. 希腊政府最常见的四种制度是: 民主- 由人民(男性公民)统治。 君主制 - 由继承其角色的个人统治。 寡头政治 - 由选定的一群人统治。 暴政- 由通过违宪手段夺取权力的个人统治。 Our knowledge of the political systems in the...